为了帮助棉农决策选择叶面肥 ,南阳市农科所进行了大量叶面肥筛选试验和生产调查 ,认为桂林市正丰生态科技有限公司最新研制生产的有机型正丰生态膏肥 (下称膏肥 )的经济、社会和生态效益显著。为了进一步验证膏肥的效果 ,2 0 0 1年在南阳进行了试验和大田示范研究。1试验基本
In order to help farmers decide on the choice of foliar fertilizer, Nanyang Agricultural Science Institute carried out a large number of foliar fertilizer screening tests and production surveys. It is concluded that Guilin Zhengfeng Ecological Science and Technology Co., Ltd. newly developed and produced organic Zhengfeng ecological fertilizer Cream) has significant economic, social and ecological benefits. In order to further verify the effect of ointment, experiments and field demonstration experiments were conducted in Nanyang in 2001. 1 basic test