我国现有城镇人口4.7亿,县级市(镇)达2900多个,城市化率达39%。城市里的公共交通工具几乎全是燃油车辆。保护环境、降低空气污染,以绿色环保车替代燃油汽车是我国城市公共交通建设的一大课题。1 电动汽车发展概况 1.1 国外电动汽车发展概况 100年前,欧美就出现了电动汽车.但发展迟缓.处于落后状态。随着石油资源日渐枯竭,燃油汽车排放污染加剧.人们才把电动汽车的研发摆在重要位置。20
China’s existing urban population of 470 million, county-level cities (towns) amounted to more than 2900, the urbanization rate of 39%. Public transport in cities is almost entirely fuel-efficient. Protecting the environment, reducing air pollution, green vehicles instead of fuel vehicles is a major issue of urban public transport construction in our country. Overview of the Development of Electric Vehicles 1.1 Overview of the Development of Foreign Electric Vehicles 100 years ago, electric vehicles appeared in Europe and the United States, but the development was sluggish and in a backward state. With the depletion of oil resources, the pollution from the emission of fuel vehicles is exacerbated, and people only put the research and development of electric vehicles at an important position. 20