
来源 :广西政法管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yo55an
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伴随着我国经济的不断发展,刑事司法活动中也遇到了诸如犯罪率不断上升,案件久拖不决,被告人人权保障机制缺乏等世界性难题。为了解决这些难题,以美国为首的英美法系国家大都规定了辩诉交易程序。通过对国外辩诉交易程序的历史发展、价值评价以及我国传统的法律文化和具体的制度环境为辩诉交易所提供的生存空间的理性思考,有必要吸收和借鉴英美等国的辩诉交易实践,来完善我国的刑事司法制度,构建具有中国特色的辩诉交易程序。 With the continuous development of our economy, criminal justice activities have also encountered such world-wide problems as the rising crime rate, the long delay of cases, and the lack of human rights protection mechanisms for defendants. In order to solve these problems, most Anglo-American countries headed by the United States have stipulated plea bargaining procedures. Through the historical development of the foreign plea bargaining process, the value appraisal as well as the legal culture and the concrete institutional environment in our country, it is necessary to absorb and draw lessons from the plea bargaining practice of the Anglo-American countries to perfect The Criminal Justice System in Our Country Constructs the Plea Bargaining Procedure with Chinese Characteristics.