
来源 :西南大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neverdrop920
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土地利用分区是土地利用规划及土地利用差别化管理的重要内容与基础,为使土地利用分区更好地反映区域耕地保护压力差异,采用耕地保护内压力即耕地资源人口承载力,与耕地保护外压力即耕地非农化胁迫相关联分析的土地利用分区方法进行研究,研究表明:1 2003年-2010年重庆市耕地资源人口承载力逐步降低,耕地保护内压力整体上升,区域差异性有所扩大;2以耕地资源承载力水平与经济发展水平为表征的耕地保护内外压力关联进行土地利用分区,能很好地反映耕地供需矛盾的区域差异,各类型区具有相似耕地资源承载力与耕地非农化胁迫,且具有明显的空间聚合性;3分区结果与重庆市五大功能区布局有较高的空间吻合性,反映了经济社会发展与耕地资源之间的内在联系,使区内土地资源利用管理策略更具有针对性. Land use zoning is an important content and foundation of land use planning and land use differentiation management. In order to make the land use zoning reflect the difference of cultivated land protection pressure better, the internal pressure of cultivated land protection, ie, the population bearing capacity of cultivated land resources, The study shows that: 1 From 2003 to 2010, the carrying capacity of cultivated land resources in Chongqing decreased gradually, the internal pressure of cultivated land protection increased as a whole, and the regional differences were widened ; 2 The division of land use according to the pressure of cultivated land protection, which is characterized by the level of cultivated land resources carrying capacity and the level of economic development, can well reflect the regional differences in the contradiction between supply and demand of cultivated land. The cultivated land carrying capacity and non-agricultural land The three-zone results have a high spatial consistency with the layout of the five major functional areas in Chongqing, reflecting the inherent relationship between economic and social development and the cultivated land resources, so that the utilization of land resources in the area Strategy is more targeted.
患者男,因“头痛、恶心呕吐”就诊,门诊以脑出血于008年1月12日8:00收入院。入院检查:体温36.7℃,脉搏84次/min,呼吸21次/min,血压130/80mm Hg。患者呈嗜睡状态,遵医嘱给予头
目的 探讨精细化护理干预在老年肺心病合并呼吸衰竭患者中的应用效果。方法 选取72例2016年5月至2018年4月于商丘市第一人民医院治疗的老年肺心病合并呼吸衰竭患者,按随机数