Call Characteristic Network Reveal Geographical Patterns of Call Similarity: Applying Network Analys

来源 :亚洲两栖爬行动物研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lw8312188
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Individual’s phenotypic traits are the results of adaptation to ecological conditions. Therefore, different selection pressures caused by heterogeneous environments may result in phenotypic difference, especially for individuals in different geographical populations. Here, we illustrated for the first time to use social network analysis (SNA) for examining whether geographical proximity predicts the similarity patterns in call characteristics among populations of an anuran species. We recorded calls from 150 male dorsal-striped opposite-fingered treefrogs (Chiromantis doriae) at 11 populations in Hainan Province and one population in Guangdong Province in mainland China, and we measured eight acoustic variables for each male. Mantel test didn’t show a correlation between geographical proximity and the similarity in call characteristics among populations. In addition, we failed to find correlations between a population’s eigenvector centrality and the distance to its nearest neighbor, nor between the coefficient of variation of similarity in call characteristics of a population and the average distance to all other populations. Nevertheless, three acoustic clusters were identified by the Girvan-Newman algorithm, and clustering was partially associated with geography. Furthermore, the most central populations were included in the same cluster, but the top betweenness populations were located within different clusters, suggesting that centrality populations are not necessary bridging between clusters.These results demonstrate the potential usefulness of the SNA toolbox and indicate that SNA helps to uncover the patterns that often overlooked in other analytical methods. By using SNA in frog’s call studies, researchers could further uncover the potential relationship in call characteristics between geographical populations, further reveal the effects of ecological factors on call characteristics, and probably enhance our understanding of the adaptive evolution of acoustic signals.
摘 要:《新课程标准》要求教师树立英语课堂的学生主体观,把教学内容融入学生的生活实际,把所学语言文化知识融入具体语言应用实践,把课堂小生态融入社会大生态,讓课堂回归自然,在初中英语教学中,教师应积极构建互动、开放、和谐和可持续发展的课堂生态系统,以提高英语教学的成效。  关键词:传统课堂;学生主体;生态课堂  中图分类号:G633.41文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2017)08-
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