CCNU is a kind of chemotherapeutic drug thought to be sensitive to malignant gliomas. The authors believe that the previous reports on the therapeutic effects of malignant gliomas are not strict enough to control the study conditions. Therefore, the author chose to go from November 1970 to 1972. During the month of December, 63 cases of patients with on-screen grade 3 to 4 gliomas undergoing unified surgery and pathological diagnosis in a hospital were divided into three groups for treatment and their efficacy was observed. The three groups were: CCNU chemotherapy group; radiotherapy group; and combination therapy group. In most of these cases, subtotal tumor resection was performed, in 7 cases nearly complete resection was performed, and in 8 cases only biopsy was performed. The dose of CCNU in the two groups was 130 mg/m2, and was administered once every 8 weeks as long as the patient came to the hospital. The dose was reduced only if persistent myelosuppression was found. For both groups of patients undergoing radiation therapy, ultra-high pressure devices (CO~(60) or 4~6 million electron-volt-shaped electron accelerators) were used for whole brain irradiation. The midline tissue absorbed a dose of 5000 rads. Treatment outcome: As of April 1975, only 2 of 63 patients survived. The efficacy of each group was as follows: 22 patients with radiotherapy alone, 1