在油橄榄果实生长发育后期,每隔10天测定甘肃省陇南市6个油橄榄主栽品种果实生长量、单果重、成熟指数、果肉率、含水率、含油率,记录气温。2年测定结果表明,在陇南市武都白龙江河谷区,6个油橄榄品种果实的最佳采收期为:城固32在10月上旬,莱星、阿斯、佛奥在11月上旬,皮削利、鄂植8在11月中旬,除城固32外,其余品种采收期比陇南市目前制定的榨季晚10~15天;在保证油品质量的前提下,上述时期采收含油率平均提高3.42%,陇南市每年可多产橄榄油205 t;采收期10月上旬至11月下旬,榨期50天,解决了总产量和加工能力的平衡。
In the late growth and development stage of Olive fruits, the fruit growth, fruit weight, maturity index, fruit rate, water cut, oil content and temperature of 6 olive cultivars in Longnan City, Gansu Province were measured every 10 days. The results of 2 years showed that the best harvest time of the fruits of six olive cultivars in Longtan Valley of Wudu in Longnan was as follows: Chenggu 32 In early October, Leixing, Aspen and Foochow in the early November, In the middle of November, in addition to Chenggu 32, the harvesting period of the remaining varieties is 10 to 15 days later than that of the current crop season formulated by Longnan City; under the premise of ensuring the quality of oil products, the oil recovery during the above period An average increase of 3.42%, Longnan City, an annual output of 205 t olive oil can be productive; harvest period from early October to late November, pressing 50 days to solve the balance of total output and processing capacity.