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革命以前,烏克蘭的農業既分散,又技術落後。農民農莊上的主要工具不過是木犂、鐵犁和木耙。以落後的技術爲基礎的分散的小農經濟所獲得的產品率非常低。就以農業中資本主義最發達的舊赫爾松省來說,據農業統計資料證明,在革命前的30年內,就曾有過9次完全歉收,6次中下年成,8次中常年景,收成好的年頭只有7次。此外,穀類作物每一俄畝的平均產量僅爲33.5普特。原始的農業技術和對土地掠奪式地利用造成了不斷的歉收,使廣大農民羣眾經常陷入飢餓。地主和農民土地佔有制方面的嚴重的農奴制殘餘更加深了農業的落後,農村遭到地主富農的橫行蹂躪,在地富的農莊裹剝削僱貧農的各種殘酷形式到了頂點。所有這一切再加上嚴厲的警察制度和農民幾乎全部處於文盲狀態,就大大地束縛了農業生產力的發展。偉大的十月社會主義革命開闢了我國歷史上的的新紀元。蘇維埃政權廢除了生產資料和土地的私有制,將他們變成爲全民的財產,建立了社會主義經濟形態。由於共產黨所實行的工業化政策,我國已從技術上經濟上落後的農業國變成先進的強大的工業國。農 Before the revolution, Ukrainian agriculture was both decentralized and technologically backward. The main tools on farmer’s farms are wood ploughs, iron ploughs and rakes. The decentralized small peasant economy based on backward technologies has obtained very low product rates. As far as old Kherson Province, the most developed capitalist country in agriculture, is concerned, according to agricultural statistics, there have been 9 complete failures in the 30 years before the revolution, 6 times in the middle and next year, 8 times in the middle of the revolution. There are only 7 times during the year when the harvest is good. In addition, the average yield of cereal crops is only 33.5 pts per acre. The original agricultural technology and the use of land plundered caused continuous poor harvest, so that the majority of peasants were often starved. The remnants of the serious serfdom in the land ownership system of landowners and peasants have deepened the backwardness of agriculture. The countryside has been rampant by the landlords and rich peasants. The cruel forms of exploiting poor farmers in the rich farms have reached the peak. All of this, coupled with the harsh police system and the fact that farmers are almost all illiterate, has greatly constrained the development of agricultural productivity. The great October socialist revolution opened up a new era in our country’s history. The Soviet regime abolished the means of production and the private ownership of the land, turned them into the property of the entire people, and established a socialist economy. Due to the industrialization policy implemented by the Communist Party, China has turned from an economically backward agricultural country into an advanced and powerful industrial country. Agriculture