1974年起,我们应用凤尾草治疗急性菌痢40例,取得满意效果。现将记录较完整的22例的临床效果小结如下。一般资料 1.22例中:男15例,女7例。成人20例,小儿2例。年龄最大72岁,最小4岁。 2.入院时病征: ①发热:22例中有不同程度的发热症状17例(占78%),其中39℃以上2例,38~39℃6例,37.5~38℃9例。②腹泻:大便10~20次/天的20例(占90%),其中1例,每15~30分钟大便一次;余2例大便6~8次/天。③全部病例均有腹痛和里急后重感。一般
Since 1974, we use 40 parts of Psidlaria to treat acute bacillary dysentery and achieve satisfactory results. Now record a more complete clinical results of 22 cases summarized as follows. General Information 1.22 cases: 15 males and 7 females. 20 adults and 2 children. The oldest is 72 years old and the youngest is 4 years old. 2. Admission symptoms: ① fever: 22 cases have different degrees of fever in 17 cases (78%), of which more than 39 ℃ in 2 cases, 38 ~ 39 ℃ in 6 cases, 37.5 ~ 38 ℃ in 9 cases. ② diarrhea: stool 10 to 20 times / day in 20 cases (90%), of which 1 case, every 15 to 30 minutes stool once; more than 2 cases of stool 6 to 8 times / day. ③ all cases have abdominal pain and tenesmus heavy sense. general