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满江红(又称为绿萍、红萍等,以下简称“萍”)是浮生的小型的蕨类植物,其生长北界为黄河流域(北纬35°),高度界限约为拔海1000米。满江红属的各个种,都有共生兰藻而能固氮;我国所产的都属于一个生物种,满江红Azolla imbricata Nakai。养殖它的历史,据传说已有数百年,现在的养殖面积,从华南到东北三省,超过百万公顷。 一、各种利用方式 在十六世纪,李时珍的《本草纲目》就记载为药用植物,至今仍被用作草药或熏杀蚊虫。在农业上,是好饲料和好肥料。 1.用作饲料 鲜萍体含粗蛋白1.3~1.46%,粗脂肪0.18~0.3%,灰分0.73~1.16%,无氮浸出物2.2~4.46%,每百斤的饲用价值相当于72斤甘薯藤。主要用于养猪:直接生喂(应定期服药驱除寄生虫),开水烫、发酵或 Azolla (also known as Lupin, Hongping, etc., hereinafter referred to as “Ping”) is a small, floating fern that grows in the northern boundary of the Yellow River Basin (latitude 35 °) and has a height limit of 1000 meters above sea level. Azolla all species, have symbiotic orchid and nitrogen fixation; produced in our country belong to a biological species, Azolla imbricata Nakai. Breeding its history, it has been said for hundreds of years that the current area of ​​farms, from South China to the three northeastern provinces, exceeds one million hectares. A variety of ways to use In the 16th century, Li Shizhen’s “Compendium of Materia Medica” is recorded as a medicinal plant, is still used as herbs or smoked mosquito. In agriculture, is a good feed and good fertilizer. 1. Used as feed fresh Ping body with crude protein 1.3 to 1.46%, 0.18 to 0.3% crude fat, ash 0.73 to 1.16%, 2.2 to 4.46% nitrogen-free extract, feed value per kilogram equivalent to 72 pounds of sweet potato rattan. Mainly used for pigs: direct raw feeding (should be regularly dredge the parasite), boiled water, fermented or
目的:本研究从临床观察的角度,客观评价运动针法治疗退行性膝关节炎的临床疗效,为治疗退行性膝关节炎找到更好的方法,为患者减轻痛苦,以期更好的推广应用于临床。  方法:研