Detail description of Lithophyllum okamurae (Lithophylloideae,Corallinales),a widely distributed cru

来源 :海洋学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czh1078
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Lithophyllum okamurae is one of the important encrusting coralline algae,which plays important roles as primaryproducer,carbonate sediment builder,and habitat provider in the marine ecosystems.In this study,L.okamurae was collected from tropical coast of Sanya,and firstly described based on both detailed morph-anatomical characteristics and molecular studies of typic DNA sequences.The structure of the thalli of L.okamurae was pseudoparenchymatous construction with radially organized dimerous organizations in the crustose portion.The pseudoparenchymatous construction were composed of three parts,including 1 to 3 layers of epithelia cells which had flatten to round outermost walls,one layer of square or rectangular cells of the hypothallia and multiple layers of square or elongated rectangular peripheral cells.Palisade cells were observed,and the cells of the contiguous vegetative filaments were connected by secondary pit-connections with cell fusions absent.The carposporangial conceptacles,the spermatangial conceptacles,the bisporangial conceptacles and the tetrasporangial conceptacles were observed,and all these four kinds of conceptacles were uniporate.The spermatangial conceptacles were slightly convex and buried at shallow depths in the thalli tissues,and the carposporangial conceptacles and asexual conceptacles were protruding and conical.Phylogenetic studies based on DNA barcoding markers of 18S rDNA,COI,rbcL and psbA revealed that L.okamurae clustered with the closest relation of L.atlanticum,and formed a distinct branch.Based on the comparative anatomical features and the molecular data,the detailed description of the valid species of L.okamurae was firstly given in this study to provide theoretical basis for algae resources utilization and conservation in marine ecosystems.
春天快要结束的时候,我以一个新同学的身份踏入高二(14)班的教室。久违了的课堂生活,在我休学的那段时光里,我可是时刻地想念着它。不过,还说不上喜欢。  我走进嘈杂的教室,在最后一排坐了下来,然后看班上的同学,尤其是把女同学都认真地看了一遍。其中的一个我多看了几眼,有了大概的印象。而第二天打扫教室的女生就是那个有点大概印象的女生,于是印象又加深了一点点。过了几天,我渐渐地知道了几个人的名字,其中有她
站在微风中举行高考百天的誓师大会,想起一千多个承受梦想与失望的日日夜夜,惶恐与郁闷似水蔓延。  音乐终于成为我日日夜夜挣脱的缺口。在懵懂冲动的年纪听霆锋和Beyond的重金属,总是踌躇满志;后来会听一些交响乐和古典音乐,希望可以更接近伟大和高雅;到现在只听Avril的朋克摇滚,并且会大声地唱出来。  我想,和我一样热爱摇滚的人要么是极度渴望自由的,需要一种方式来呼喊,哭泣,发泄;要么就是怀揣着一种
我已经很久没有自由地呼吸了。  常常在电视右上角出现“00:00”的提示时,我会盯着它,仿佛它会因为我而停止。拉开床头的窗帘,然后慢慢躺下,在半睡半醒状态中体会从血液里呼出的安稳。在萎靡的月光下,柜子上的玻璃杯微微地闪光。  外面的叶子,在闷热的空气里,翘首期待轻软的风捎信给它,告诉它夏天的逝去。  暑假对于一个高三学生来说,是个多么讽刺的字眼!补课期间,我一厢情愿地祈祷着天热到让人无法思考,然后