竞赛说明在纪念抗日战争胜利60周年之际,本刊特举办“纪念抗日战争胜利60周年”知识竞赛,以弘扬伟大的抗战精神。望全省各级党组织认真组织广大党员和群众参加竞赛。现将竞赛的有关事宜说明如下: 1.本次竞赛设一等奖10名,二等奖20名,三等奖 50名,组织奖10名,获奖者将颁发证书和奖金。 2.答题卡复印有效,涂卡一律用钢笔或碳素笔,不得用铅笔。答题卡请寄甘肃省委《党的建设》杂志社 (地址:兰州市南昌路1648号,邮编:730030,电话: 0931-8416011转2403或8820447).也可由各单位统一收集邮寄或送交编辑部,信封上请贴本次竞赛标志或注明“知识竞赛”字样。(注:不接受通过电子信箱发来的答卷)。 3.答卷截止日期为9月15日(以当地邮戳为准)。试题答案和获奖名单本刊将在今年第11期上刊出。
Contest Description In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, this issue specially organized the “Contest for the 60th Anniversary of the Victory of the Anti-Japanese War” quiz in order to promote the great spirit of the war of resistance. At all levels of the province Party organizations at all levels to seriously organize the majority of party members and the masses to participate in the competition. Now the competition related matters are as follows: 1. The contest consists of 10 first prizes, 20 second prizes, 50 third prizes and 10 organization prizes. The winners will be awarded certificates and bonuses. 2. Answer card copy is valid, Tuka all with a pen or carbon pens, not pencil. Answer card, please send Gansu Provincial Party Committee “Party Building” magazine (Address: Nanchang Road, Lanzhou City, No. 1648, Zip Code: 730030, Tel: 0931-8416011 transfer 2403 or 8820447). May also be collected by the units unified mail or sent to the editorial department, please paste the contest logo or indicate “knowledge contest” message. (Note: Do not accept the e-mail sent to the answer sheet). 3. The deadline for the answer sheet is September 15 (subject to local postmark). Answers to the questions and winners The journal will be published on the 11th of this year.