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  1. My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house______there is a power out. (2007重庆)
  A. ifB. unlessC. in caseD. so that
  解析: C。该空表示“以免”,因此应填in case来引导目的状语从句。
  2. ______fire, all exits must be kept clear. (2007天津)
  A. In place of B. Instead of
  C. In case of D. In spite of
  解析: C。该空表示“万一”,“假如发生”因此应填in case of。
  3. —I’m afraid Mr. Wood can’t see you until 4 o’clock.
  —Oh, ______I won’t wait.(2005浙江)
  A. no doubt B. after all
  C. in that case D. in this way
  解析: C。该空表示“假如那样的话”,因此应填in that case。
  以上几道题考查了in case, in case of, in that case等句型或短语的用法,当然case热点用法远不止这些,为此本文特做一归纳:
  一、 单个词的热点用法
  1. n. 情况,状况;事实;事情
  I hope that everything will be in good case. 我希望一切都好。
  Can you tell me whether that is the case? 你能告诉我事实是否就是那样?
  Don’t you know that is often the case with him? 难道你不知道他往往就是这样?
  2. n. 病例
  To tell you the truth, no doctors in our hospital have seen the case. 说实话我们医院无人见过这种病例。
  Don’t worry, it is only a common burn case. 别担心,这只是一个普通的烧伤病例。
  3. n. 案例,案件
  As far as I know, the judges have never seen the case. 据我所知,法官们还没有见过这种案例。
  The judges are busy looking into the case. 法官们正忙着研究这个案件。
  4. n. 箱子,盒子
  I think that you can put your clothes in this case. 我想你可以把衣服放在这个箱子里。
  Don’t lift this case; it is too heavy for you. 别提这个箱子了,它对你来说太重了。
  二、 含case短语的热点用法
  1. in case 如果,万一,以防万一
  In case it rains, I won’t go. 如果下雨我就不去。
  The bus is usually on time, but we’ll set out early, just in case. 这班车通常准时,但还是早点动身,以防万一。
  2. in case of 如果发生(后面可接名词、代词或动名词)
  In case of fire, don’t forget to sound the alarm bell. 如果发生火灾,别忘了按警铃。
  3. in that case 如果是那样的话
  In that case, you will be punished. 如果是那样的话,你会受到惩罚。
  Study hard, or you can’t pass the exam. In that case, you will have no future. 要认真学习,否则你就不能通过这次考试。如果是那样的话,你就没有前途了。
  4. in any case 无论如何
  I will find my lost child in any case. 无论如何我要找到我失踪的小孩。
  You must go home to see your sick mother in any case. 无论如何你应该回家看一看你生病的母亲。
  5. in no case 决不(置于句首时应使用倒装语序)
  In no case can you lose the chance to go abroad for further study. 无论如何你不能失去这次出国深造的机会。
  In no case can I lose this important match. 无论如何我不能输掉这次重要比赛。
  6. as is often / usually the case 正如往常那样
  He was late yesterday, as is often / usually the case. 正如往常那样,他昨天又迟到了。
  She played computer games last night, as is often / usually the case. 正如往常那样,她昨天又打电脑游戏了。
  7. as the case may be 视情况而定,根据具体情况
  You should make a decision as the case may be. 你应当根据具体情况做出决定。
  Can I change the plan as the case may be? 我能根据具体情况改变计划吗?
  8. as the case stands 事实上,就目前情况来看
  As the case stands, you have to leave here at once. 就目前情况来看,你得马上离开此地。
  Our plan works well, as the case stands. 就目前情况而言,我们的计划进展顺利。
  9. in all case 就所有情况而论
  Your suggestion is not perfect in all case. 就所有情况而论,你的计划并不完美。
  Your teaching method needs to be improved in all case. 就所有情况而论,你的教学方法需要改进。
  1. As you can imagine, everything in our school is____________. (状况良好)
  2. ______ ______ (如果) snow, you must put on your heavy coat.
  3. You shouldn’t speak in class. ______(如果是那样的话), you can’t hear what the teacher says.
  4. You shouldn’t get angry with your teacher____________(无论如何).
  5. ______ ______ (决不) can you hurt our feeling as well as friendship.
  6. The naughty girl made a face in class yesterday, ____________(正如往常那样).
  7. You should take some measures____________________________________(根据具体的情况).
  8. Everything here is normal______(就目前的情况而言).
  9. Your article is well written____________(就所有情况而言).
  10. The little girl hid the story book__________________(以防) her teacher would see it.
  Keys: 1. in good case 2. In case of 3. In that case 4. in any case 5. In no case 6. as is often / usually the case 7. as the case may be 8. as the case stands 9. in all case 10. in case ★
The hills are alive with the sound of music,With songs they have sung for a thousand years.The hills fill my heart with the sound of musicMy heart wants to sing every thing every song it hears.
湖北省高考从2007年开始使用了新题型 “完成句子”,笔者认为这一题型的变化,并没有降低学生对基础语法的学习要求,反而更注重了对学生实际运用能力的培养。考生们在平时虽然对该题型进行了大量的训练,但是对于新题型仍然常觉得“心有余悸”。从全省高考成绩来看,该题的平均分较低,尤其是07年,均分还不到4分!笔者分析了平时教学过程中积累的大量学生错题,发现学生出错有很大一部分原因是没有注意到英汉两种语言表达
Passage 1    An ll-month-old baby helped raise the alarm that her mother had been unconscious by using a mobile phone.
2008年高考日渐临近,为了帮助广大考生更好地复习和备考,笔者仔细对比和研究了2007和2008两年的高考词汇表,从中精选出湖北、北京、天津、浙江等省市的部分新增词汇,精心编写了一些单项填空题,让同学们通过强化练习,牢牢地掌握住它们的用法。  1. All 300_____ were killed in an airliner crash in Antarctica.   A. abroadB.
在江苏省2008年高考英语试题中有这么一道单项选择题(第30题):  It is__________to spend money on preventing illness by promoting healthy living rather than spending it trying to make people__________after they are ill.   A. good;
The money may not jump—start enough domestic spending, but signals to world leaders that China is engaged in resolving the global financial crisis. 这些资金或许并不能启动足够的国内消费,但却向世界领导人表明中国正致力于解决全球化金融危机。    Bei
高三一轮复习是整个高中阶段知识的巩固与提高的重要环节。能否进行有效的甚至是高效的一轮复习也就成了高考中能不能考出理想成绩的关键所在。至今日,复习已经近两个月了,笔者在一轮复习的教学实践中发现了一些问题。在解决这些问题的过程中,对于英语教学和一轮复习有了一些新的体会和感悟,现与大家共享。  英语是一门语言,学习英语的根本目的在于发挥其作为交流媒介的作用,即能使用英语准确地表达自己的思想和想法。所以,