1983年6月,静静的浙江杭州湾畔响起了一连串开山炮声,沉睡千年的秦山被震醒了。20个月之后,第一罐混凝土轰然一声倾泻在主厂房的岩石地基上,我国自行设计、建设的第一座核电站——秦山核电厂,宣告正式开工。 眼下,这里已呈现出一幅现代化建设的生动画卷:昔日荒凉的海滩上,1800米长的拦海大堤横空出世,似蛟龙卧海,锁住了滚滚海糊。厂区内笔直的水泥大道上,各种施工车辆穿梭般奔驰来往。道路两侧,一
In June 1983, quietly sounded a series of cannons on the banks of the Hangzhou Bay in Zhejiang Province. Qinshan, who slept for thousands of years, was awakened. After 20 months, the first can of concrete crashed down onto the rock foundation of the main plant. The first nuclear power plant designed and constructed in China, the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant, was formally started. At the moment, a modern animation movie has been presented here: On the once deserted beach, the 1,800-meter-long seawall embankment turned out to be like a dragon lying on the sea, locking the sea of paste. On the straight cement road in the factory area, various construction vehicles shuttled and shuttled. On both sides of the road, one