七十年代初期,我国开始发展贻贝(Mytilus edulis L.)的生产性养殖。当时苗源有限,苗种供应严重不足,人工培育贻贝苗遂成为着手解决缺苗的技术问题。经1972—1973年的研究,我们与烟台地区海水养殖试验场等提出了一套育苗工艺,育苗水体最高单产量达到137万/m~3。又经数年研究,最高单产量即达360万/m~3,平均单产量稳定在150—200万/m~3。再后几年的实验结果,使我们意识到:用原方法育苗要进一步大幅度提高单产量会有困难,特别是近几年来海水水质条件的恶化,有时会给育苗带来一些干
In the early 1970s, my country began to develop productive farming of mussels (Mytilus edulis L.). Miao limited at that time, a serious shortage of seed supply, artificial cultivation of mussel seed has therefore become a technical solution to the problem of lack of seedlings. According to the research of 1972-1973, we put forward a set of seedling raising technology with the mariculture pilot yard in Yantai, etc. The highest single seedling production reached 1.37 million / m ~ 3. After several years of research, the highest single output reached 3.6 million / m ~ 3, the average single output stable at 150-200 million / m ~ 3. After a few years of experiment, we realized that it would be difficult to further raise the single yield by using the original method, especially the deterioration of the seawater quality in recent years, and sometimes bring some dryness to the nursery