纵观美国总统的业余嗜好,可以发现许多总统都与电影结下了不解之缘。有些研究者甚至结合美国总统的电影嗜好来分析总统的心理和个性。 美国第28任总统威尔逊在任期间(1913-1921年),正是好莱坞草创勃兴时期。当时大量的黑白影片相继问世。著名的制片家道格拉斯·范鹏格(奥斯卡奖的创设者)特意给威尔逊总统送来了一套专门的放映设备。这样, 威尔逊总统就可不出白宫,安然地欣赏新出品的各类电影了。第一部在白宫内放映的电影是大导演格里菲斯的名片《国家的诞生》。威尔逊总统也非常喜爱这部电影。罗斯福总统最爱看《米尼佛
Looking at the amateur hobbies of the President of the United States, we can see that many presidents have been struggling with the movie. Some researchers even analyze the president's psychology and personality in conjunction with the American president's movie hobby. During his tenure (1913-1921), the 28th president of the United States, Wilson, was the era of Hollywood lawbreaking. At that time a large number of black and white films have come out. Well-known producer Douglas van Pogh, the founder of the Oscars, specially sent a special projection device to President Wilson. In this way, President Wilson will not be out of the White House and safely enjoy all kinds of new films produced. The first movie to be shown in the White House was the birth of Griffith's business card, “Birth of the Nation.” President Wilson also loved the movie very much. President Roosevelt favored “Minneapolis.”