依色彩喜好度做性格测验,目前在世界各地可谓风行不衰,极为流行。第一位以心理学方式持续研究这项测试的卢休指出,颜色的嗜好也显示出其人对异性的态度和日常生活的形态。换句话说,对于色彩的喜恶,可以反映出一个人心中潜藏的愿望。这里有八种颜色,依你按由强到弱“讨厌”的颜色的顺序,选择你排列第八的颜色:A、绿色 B、茶色 C、蓝色D、紫色 E、红色 F、橘色G、白色 H、黄色你选择了哪种颜色?最后选出的第八种颜色,是
According to the degree of color preferences to do personality tests, is now popular all over the world, extremely popular. Lu Hugo, the first person who continued to study the test psychologically, pointed out that color hobbies also show their attitudes toward the opposite sex and their daily life. In other words, the likes and dislikes of colors can reflect the hidden desire of a person. There are eight colors here, the eighth you choose, in the order you want them to go from strong to weak “nasty” colors: A, Green B, Brown C, Blue D, Purple E, Red F, Orange Color G, White H, Yellow Which color did you choose? The last color you selected is the eighth