After graduating from Hua Luogeng high school, his father let him stand on the counter to do business. One day, while he was at the counter looking at math problems, he worked on cotton-bound paper and he ignored the customer’s purchase of cotton. His father blew him angrily behind, and when he came out again, he found the paper gone. He cried and said: ”My drafts? That was what I thought of a night before last night!“ ”When he learned that the paper was given to the customer by his father’s cotton, he ran out and chased it. After catching up, readily picked up on the ground a few cigarette cartons, math problems copied down. The guests were so enraptured and funny that Hua Luogeng was evil. Liang Shih-ch’iu once said: "There are three conditions that must be met for the translation of The Complete Works of Shakespeare: First, he must have no knowledge, and if there is a knowledge, he will do his research and research work. Second, he must have no genius. Talented, he went