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  这部曾在CE: Teens 2006年9月号的“娱乐直播室”简单介绍过的校园喜剧给Wendy留下了很深的印象。时隔五年回头重温,赫然发现其中的理念与如今的现实情况不谋而合——美国有“虎妈”,中国有“虎爸”,还有不少家长开私塾或者家庭学校,用自己的方式应对现代教育制度的诸多弊端。敢问教育为何物,听完本期“口语角”,你是否也会有所思考呢?
  Justin Long...Bartleby Gaines
  Blake Lively...Monica Moreland
  Jonah Hill...Sherman Schrader
  Adam Herschman...Glen
  Columbus Short...Daryl Holloway
  Maria Thayer...Rory Thayer
  Lewis Black...Ben Lewis
  Mark Derwin...Jack Gaines
  Ann Cusack...Diane Gaines
  Hannah Marks...Lizzie Gaines
  Jack: I don’t understand.
  Diane: I don’t understand, either.
  Bartleby: Okay, I figure it like this. The average cost of college is, what, $20,000 a year? Now according to these estimates[估计] that I got off the web—you can pass those around—someone with no education beyond high school can expect to make about $20,000 a year in the current job market. Now that being said, over the next four years, you could either spend $80,000, or I could make $80,000.
  Jack: Are you saying you don’t wanna go to college?
  Bartleby: No. I’m saying that it is fiscally[财政上] irresponsible[不负责任的] for me to go to college, you know?
  Diane: Are you huffing?
  Bartleby: Oh, God. No.
  Diane: Are you high?
  Jack: You’re huffing grass?!
  Bartleby: No, I’m not huffing, Mom. I’m not stoned. I’m completely fine. In fact, I’m more clear and level-
  headed[头脑冷静的] than I’ve ever been.
  Jack: Okay, cut the crap[废话少说], Bartleby. Society has rules. And the first rule is you go to college. You want to have a happy and successful life? You go to college. If you want to be somebody, you go to college. If you wanna fit in, you go to college!
  Bartleby: Well, you know what? Maybe I didn’t get into college.
  Jack: What do you mean?
  Bartleby: (quietly) I didn’t get accepted anywhere.
  Diane: Oh, Bartleby.
  Jack: Damn it!
  Diane: I knew he should’ve started preparing for
  college in junior high—like his sister.
  Jack: Now she’s got a shot.
  Lizzie: I’ve got a shot.
  Diane: She’s got a shot.
  Bartleby: Listen, guys, there are plenty of successful people who didn’t go to college. Albert Einstein, you know. Pocahontas注1 never went to college. Bono注2?
  Jack: You know, I really don’t care what Sonny Bono did or didn’t do. You’re going to college.
  注2:此处巴特比指的是常被简称为“Bono”的U2乐队主唱博诺·沃克斯(Bono Vox),他爸爸则误解为著名歌手雪儿的第一任丈夫——歌手及音乐制作人萨尔瓦多·桑尼·波诺(Salvatore ”Sonny” Bono)。
  Bartleby: Hey…just show of hands, how many people applied to other colleges? Everybody…okay. And how many of you got in to the other places you applied to? Nobody. Nobody got in anywhere else.
  And you know what? I didn’t, either. I didn’t get into a real college—a really, really good college. I know what it’s like to be rejected. It sucks[(俚)糟糕]. Rejection blows. Being said no to: You know what? I’m sorry, you’re just not quite good enough. You didn’t have enough extracurriculars[课外活动].
  You didn’t play enough tennis. You didn’t study hard enough for your scores, so you’re not gonna make it.
  You know what? Screw that! Shouldn’t we all have the chance to be said yes to? At South Harmon, we say yes to you! We say yes to your hopes! We say yes to your dreams! We say yes to your flaws[缺点]! So welcome! Grab a room, grab a friend, grab yourself, we don’t give a shit! Welcome to South Harmon Institute of Technology! Welcome to SHIT!
  A: No, I won’t lend you the money. (不,我不会把钱借给你。)
  B: Screw you! (你见鬼去吧!)
  Bartleby: I’m just saying, I mean, is that what college is?
  Ben: What were you expecting? A renaissance[复兴]
  of the human spirit? American education is in the
  shitter[(俚)厕所]. You know why? Because people forget the most important rule: College is a service industry.
  Bartleby: A service industry?
  Ben: As in “serve us,” as opposed to the other way around. Look, you see all these kids out here? They all paid to come here. They all paid for an experience.
  Bartleby: What kind of experience?
  Ben: The hell if I know. I’m not a goddamn mind reader.
  Bartleby: Maybe I should just ask them.
  Ben: Welcome to the conversation.
  “opposed”一般都与“to”连用,表示“与……相反的,对立的”,“as opposed to”也是一个常用搭配,意思是“而不是”,例如:
  This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory. (这本书讲的是商业实务而不是商业理论。)
  Bartleby: Well, we came here today to ask for your approval, and something just occurred to[被想到] me: I don’t give a shit! (laughs) Who cares about your approval? We don’t need your approval to tell us that what we did was real, ’cause there are so few truths in this world that when you see one you know it. And I know that it is a truth that real learning took place at South Harmon—whether you like it or not, it did. ’Cause you don’t need teachers or classrooms or…or fancy[花哨的]
  highbrow[文化修养高的] traditions or money to really learn. You just need people with a desire to better themselves, and we got that by the shit load at South Harmon!
  So you can go ahead, sign your forms, reject us and shoot us down[断然否定], and do whatever you gotta do. It doesn’t really matter at this point. Because we’ll never stop learning, and we’ll never stop growing, and we’ll never
  forget the ideals that were instilled in[逐步灌输] us at our place! ’Cause we are SHIT heads now, and we’ll be SHIT heads forever, and nothing you can say or do or stamp[盖章] can take that away from us! So go!
  (Students cheer. The board members come to an agreement.)
  Dr. Alexander: Mr. Gaines, your presentation was unorthodox[非正统的], to say the least; and your methodology[方法论] is questionable, at best. However, the true purpose of education is to stimulate[激发] the creativity and the passions of the student
  body, and in that regard you have certainly succeeded. This board does not reject innovation, but it must be watched
  carefully. Therefore, the South Harmon Institute of Technology will be granted a one-year probationary[试用的] period in which to continue its experimental programs. Don’t be so quick to judge us by the way WE look. Congratulations.
  这个选段集合了两种截然不同的语言风格,充分体现了其说话人的身份差异——巴特比的陈述使用了极其简单的词汇和句式,基本没有正式用语,但感情饱满,语速极快,让人为之一振;亚历山大博士的发言则语速和缓,条理清晰,用语准确,句式正规,甚至还有“to say the least”(至少可以这样说)和“at best”(充其量)这样对应工整的结构。多听几遍原声,在跟读模仿中体会这两种风格的差异吧。
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