Valuing the Past

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Cultural tourism helps preserve historical architecture and develop traditional arts in Xinjiangas the sun rises over Kazanqi in northwest China,the early morning silence is broken only by the tinkling sound of a horse’s sleigh bells.The old horsedrawn carriage bringing the day’s first visitors make its way slowly through the Kazanqi Folk Tourism District,a triple-A scenic spot in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.No tourist buses or cars are allowed here.Visitors travel around the area using traditional means of Cultural tourism helps preserve historical architecture and develop traditional arts in Xinjiangas the sun rises over Kazanqi in northwest China, the early morning silence is broken only by the tinkling sound of a horse’s sleigh bells. The old horsedrawn carriage brings the day’s first visitors make its way slowly through the Kazanqi Folk Tourism District, a triple-A scenic spot in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region .No tourist buses or cars are allowed here. Visitors travel around the area using traditional means of
王维庙在浙江黄岩存在了一千一百多年 ,鲜为学界所知。考辨王维庙出现的情况 ,并探讨其长期存在的原因 ,乃知有始出迷信、继入传统“神道设教”轨范和地方政府“因势利导”以
[摘 要] 教师网络研修社区中的知识共享行为存在参与积极性不高、潜水者居多、讨论不深入等问题,通过文献研究、深入观察等方法,梳理得到动机、结果预期、知识水平等主要影响因素,在重要他人等理论支撑的基础上构建影响因素模型,以期为教师培训的相关部门提供理论参考。  [关 键 词] 教师研修;网络社区;知识共享;影响因素  [中图分类号] G642 [文献标志码] A [文章编号] 2096-0603(2
[摘要]职业教育理论体系的构建是目前职业教育发展过程中的重要课题,对于加强职业教育的管理,增强职业教育的吸引力具有重要作用。本文依据职业教育相关理论,对职教院校区别于普通院校的独特性展开探讨,对职业教育的理论体系构建进行了初步探索。  [关键词]职业教育 理论体系 构建  [中图分类号]G710 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009-5349(2012)06-0181-01  近年来,我国经
Inland Horgos City becomes a magnet for investment thanks to its highly attractive policiesIt’s one of china’s youngest cities,with the country’s first cross
无论是“人与兔子”中人的自大,还是猎人捕狼时的狡黠,传递的都是人类想征服世界独占自然的狂傲与霸野,天长日久,定会在孩子心中埋下残忍的种子。 Whether it is the arroga