五十多年前,革命语境下的史学研究将近代来华西方人——除了极个别之外——做了公式化和脸谱化的处理,他们统统被打上“侵略者”或“殖民者”的印记,赫德(Sir Robert Hart)也不例外。近年来,“现代化理论”对“出身决定论”发起了挑战,有学者试图以更加超然的态度肯定近代西方人对中国现代化进程的推动作用,为其中一些人翻案,然而赫德不在其列。这个掌控近代中国海
More than fifty years ago, the study of history under the revolutionary context brought about the formalization and masochistic treatment of Westerners in modern China - except for a few exceptions. They were all labeled “invaders” or “ Colonial ”, Sir Robert Hart is no exception. In recent years, “modernization theory” has challenged “predecessorism ”, and some scholars have tried to affirm the impetus of modern Westerners to the process of China ’s modernization in a more detached manner, turning some of them over. However, Hart Not in the list. This control of the modern China Sea