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湘阴县立足建设文化强县,充分挖掘文化资源,着力培育文化产业,积极打造文化品牌,努力实现由文化资源大县向文化产业强县的转变。深入挖掘湖湘文化内涵。湘阴人杰地灵。明代历相五朝的户部尚书夏元吉、清代“中兴名臣”左宗棠和当代 Based on the strong county of construction culture, Xiangyin fully tapped the cultural resources, focused on cultivating the cultural industry, actively building the cultural brand, and endeavored to realize the transformation from a county with rich cultural resources to a county with a strong cultural industry. Explore the cultural connotation of Huxiang. Xiangyin Renjiedeling. Ming Dynasties and Dynasties and the Five Dynasties Shangbushangshu Xia Yuanji, Qing Dynasty “ZTE Mingchen ” Zuo Zongtang and contemporary
一、绿色高产豆腐    用大豆与新鲜多汁蔬菜混合磨浆并凝固而成,采用新的豆腐制作工艺。1千克大豆混入0.5千克蔬菜可生产出6千克豆腐,产品色泽鲜绿、质细软嫩,无异味,符合食用豆腐标准,市场俏销,效益较高。  1、选料去杂。选用无霉变、蛋白质含量高的大豆作原料,筛去尘土和杂质。蔬菜应选用新鲜的菠菜、芹菜等多汁类蔬菜。  2、混合磨浆。按10千克大豆加水30千克的比例,浸泡5-8小时,将大豆泡软后与蔬