Entwining Psychology and Visual Arts: A Classroom Experience

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  The purpose of this paper is to show how activating perception, imagery and creativity facilitate the mastery of specific skills of visual arts education. Specifically, the study aimed at answering two questions: How can teachers enhance visual and creative expression?; and What criteria should be used to evaluate specific learning of visual arts skills? Based on a literature review on visual language two specific exercises were devised: one concerning the elaboration and meaning attribution of an image and the other the illustration of a concept. The two exercises were applied to 100 13-year-old students of a rural community in Portugal. The exercises were evaluated in terms of fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, expressiveness and adequateness. The results reveal statistically significant differences in these dimensions after the completion of second exercise, revealing that it is possible to use elements of the visual code to express ideas in creative ways.
  Keywords: creativity, perception, imagery, visual language
  following step was the composition of an illustration of one, two or three rights using nine of the three basic geometric figures (squares, circles and triangles) in order to communicate the fundamental concept of the right(s) into the six equal parts of the sheet of paper. The first composition had to be drawn, with the same materials of the first exercise. The following compositions, if done, could resource to digital support, namely, using a PowerPoint application. Analogic technologies facilitate a first approach to experimentation, whereas digital technologies give expressiveness to production. While the first exercise called for the random composition of forms and subsequent assignment of meaning to these combinations, the second exercise aimed at developing the ability to communicate an idea, using the elements of the visual code.
  In terms of evaluation, the final products of both exercises were analysed in order to capture the extent to which the students were able to use elements of the visual code in communicating ideas. The evaluation criteria aimed at rating the composition of the elements of the visual language and the creativity of the compositions and meaning attribution in terms of: (1) fluency, which refers to the number of relevant ideas; (2) flexibility, which refers to the number of categories or themes that underlie the ideas; (3) originality, defined by statistical infrequency; (4) elaboration, associated with the number of details; expressiveness, focusing on the richness of the image (Torrance, 1966); and (5) also adequacy (Nickerson, Perkins, & Smith, 1985), that is, the possibility of adaptation to reality. In concrete terms, each composition was rated from 1 to 5, where 1 was the total absence and 5 was the full inclusion of the following elements of each criteria:
  (1) Fluency?number of appropriate responses to the given task (the presence of six rectangles, nine figures and variation in terms of the rules?figures used, different directions and scale);
  (2) Flexibility?use of different categories of knowledge to assign meaning or illustrate the concept;
  (3) Originality?infrequency of responses and non-use of stereotypical images;
  (4) Elaboration?richness of the variation of the application of the figures (direction, dynamic and static composition, scale, flexible use of the space and rigor in the construction of ideas);
  (5) Expressiveness?strengthening the code of form that reveals emotional richness;
  (6) Overall assessment?overall assessment of the work taking into account the composition of figures and creativity of the product. Procedure
  The exercises were a part of a specific didactic unit of the discipline of visual education, namely, graphic design that is usually worked in the 7th grade. The first exercise was conducted during two 90-minute classes, while the second exercise lasted three 90 minutes classes. Overall, the students were receptive and engaged in the exercises. However, the first part of the first exercise was accompanied by various comments from students. Some were pleased to be able to carry out a new challenge, commenting that overcoming a problem without a concrete reference was an innovative experience. However, the majority of the students expressed some initial resistance “How can we do something without a specific purpose?”. At the end of the second exercise, these students were pleased, because they had discovered the reason why they had done the first exercise. The second exercise was received with enthusiasm and the students were able to accomplish it without resistance and in an autonomous way.
  The comparative analysis between the first and second exercises revealed significant differences in all the evaluation criteria. These differences were strong (p < 0.01), with exception to flexibility (p < 0.05), revealing that between both exercises, the 100 students internalized and applied elements of visual language.
  The first exercise intended to systematize the process of representation of ideas using visual language(Dondis, 1991) through figure composition and the subsequent recognition, interpretation and communication of its meaning (Buttenfield & Mackaness, 1992). In the first part of this exercise, students were asked to apply visual language without considering the representation of an idea. Composition rules of the grouping of geometric figures were specified, leading some students to express expectations of failure. In spite of this negative expectation, these students and all the others without exception performed the final exercise of the strategy. Experimenting various possible combinations of figures facilitated the creative process through the construction of new models (Paivio, 1971). The exercises also seem to have stimulated the process of propositional representation by decomposing and composing the elements and in a second phase recomposing them through the use of logical operations (Dean et al., 1986). As Cornelius and Casler (1991) claimed, image allows for the creation of new ideas. Analysing the compositions of the first exercise encouraged a reflection on the use of the elements of visual language. The second phase of this exercise trained observational and interpretation skills that had not been requested in the first phase of the exercise and ultimately encouraged the process of discovery of a specific visual code. Thus, this second phase of the first exercise called for the
   perception of the whole as well as the decoding and understanding of images formed through a gestalt dynamic, as L?wgren and Stolterman (2005) suggested. Assigning a theme to the combinations promoted a flexible search for solutions (Torrance, 1988).
  The second exercise sought to stimulate the simplification of an abstract reality?a human right, and its understanding and expression in a functional way allowing a clear communication of the idea (Lupton & Miller, 1991). The success in this exercise showed the effectiveness of the training of observation, interpretation, use and communication of the visual elements of this code. In terms of creativity, the number of original ideas and expressive details also increased significantly. However, flexibility was not stimulated with the same expression. One explanation is based on the argument that fluency, originality, elaboration and expressiveness are the dimensions of creativity usually evaluated in Torrance’s tests for creative thinking (Torrance, 1966), but not flexibility (Kim, 2006) due to its proximity to the fluency of ideas. What may have happened is that the students had more ideas, but did not have enough time to advance with ideas from a wide range of categories. Time is as essential dimension of arts education, as Eisner (2002) referred. Another explanation resides in a difference in the nature of the exercises: The first exercise, while appealing first to the free experimentation of figure composition and then to the attribution of meaning, may have enhanced flexibility more than the second exercise that more restricted, because the number of categories of the composition was constrained to the illustration of three children’s rights. Contrary to this expectation, the final products revealed higher flexibility levels. This result seems to point to the efficacy of the applied strategy in spite of the nature of the last exercise not appealing directly to a more flexible thought. Nonetheless, the other dimensions of creativity were clearly stimulated, that is, students were more original, expressive and adequate in the expression of innovative ideas communicated through visual language.
  The promotion of strategies that seek to develop the internalization of visual elements also helps to structure visual thinking, in that it is not possible to separate language and visual thinking (Aumont, 1990). The comments of students during and after the exercises showed that they understood the potential variation in the figures. Some students showed a high resistance towards the first exercise but in the end expressed their satisfaction for being able to assign a meaning to their work. Most academic tasks are based on an “a priori”attribution of meaning and that was why students who showed an initial resistance to the first part of the exercise. In this sense, all experiences that appeal to non-routinely procedures potentiate creativity (Torrance, 1988). As Bovet and Voelin (2007) defended, the use of image structures operative reasoning. Consequently, training perception, visualization and abstraction tend to favour the development of mental operations of reasoning in new situations (Primi, 2002) and its transfer to other areas, as suggested by Hetland and Winner(2008).
  The structured exercises with the basic geometric figures used in the Bauhaus proved effective in promoting specific visual education skills in a group of adolescent students from a rural community. Mastering this simple code enabled these adolescents to develop of a form of universal understanding and formulation of ideas, revealing that an intervention based on concepts of the psychological realm may have a very positive impact on the context of arts education. Ultimately, grounding educational experiences on the theoretical foundations of psychological concepts enhances teaching and learning, allowing the development of multiple forms of literacy at the service of the poetic rather than the literal enabling the recovery and expression of meanings, as Eisner (2008) recently proposed, because the limits of cognition are not defined by the limits of language (Eisner, 2002).
湖北省沙洋县公安局十里铺派出所  上海市公安局金山分局枫泾派出所  安徽省金寨县公安局梅山派出所  浙江省诸暨市公安局枫桥派出所  广西壮族自治区桂林市公安局秀峰分局白龙派出所  北京市公安局丰台分局东高地派出所  湖南省衡阳市公安局南岳分局南岳派出所  湖北省仙桃市公安局毛嘴派出所  北京市公安局海淀分局羊坊店派出所  江西省玉山县公安局冰溪派出所  贵州省三穗县公安局台烈派出所  江苏省苏州市
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主持人:  目前,各地公安机关制定了一系列暖警惠警措施,激发警营活力,打造从优待警浓厚氛围,不断提升民警的认同感和幸福感。请派出所民警聊聊:你们那里都有哪些暖警惠警新举措?你都有哪些期待?  江苏省苏州市吴江区公安局汾湖派出所陈敏驹: “警娃”入托,“警爸”放心  作为一名基层民警,对我而言觉得最亏欠的人就是孩子。自从儿子上幼儿园后,都是爷爷负责接送。难得我休假在家的时候,孩子又在培训班里“苦修”
我是河北省宽城满族自治县公安局龙须门派出所所长李琦卫。这是我们和一个13岁男孩的故事。  2020年1月,辖区村民吕某酒后与人发生口角,持菜刀将同村另一名男子砍成轻伤。从吕某被拘留的第一天起,他13岁的儿子小宇就没人照看了。虽然吕某有诸多亲友,但因平时酒后无德,老婆受不了他,孩子不大时就离开了家,亲属也都得罪光了,孩子小宇自幼和他相依为命。吕某被拘留后,没人愿意管这孩子。当时正值石家庄出现疫情,辖
2005年10月21日,河北邯郸市中级人民法院开庭审理发生在邯郸市丛台区的一桩惊人血案:30岁的女幼师张若敏和她的男友被杀案。令人不解的是,凶手朝溱竟然是一名刚从名牌大学毕业不久的大学生。他向法官说出了令人惊愕的杀人内幕:他有一种令人不解的贞操情结,偶然间,他和被害女幼师有一次肌肤之亲,于是便固执地索要她的终身,向女幼师频频逼爱,结果酿成了两死一伤的悲剧……    何处有爱?性压抑大学生一见钟情爱
The present study focuses on examining the hypothesis that auditory temporal perception deficit is a basic cause for reading disabilities among dyslexics. This hypothesis maintains that reading impair