,Renmin University of China Human Rights Research Center

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I.OverviewThe Human Rights Research Center of the Renmin University of China was established on Oct.8,1991,and was among the first human rights research institutions at a Chinese university.The center is composed of experts and scholars on law,economics,sociology,philosophy and politics.Prof.Zheng Hangsheng is the director of the center and Prof.Gu Dechun is the deputy director.In 1996,the center was listed by the United Nations Educational,Scientific and Cultural Organization in the fourth edition of the Directory of World Human Rights Research and Training Organizations.Since its establishment,the center has actively conducted research on human rights theory,publicity and education conceing human rights as well as inteational exchange activities.
摘 要:从学生的角度来找出问题,了解学生就读职业教育的满意度,是决策者在制定政策时的重要参考。本文将从海峡两岸大学生对于职业教育的满意度进行调查,找出目前就读职业教育的学生在哪些方面是满意的,哪些方面是不满意的,并且将海峡两岸大学生对于职业教育的满意度加以比较,找出其间的落差,提供下一轮职业教育政策时的参考,让学生愿意就读职业教育。  关键词:职业教育;满意度、两岸  众所皆知,德国、日本与台湾的
The 12th Sino-German Human Rights Symposium opened today in Beijing.On behalf of the State Council Information Office,I would like to express my warmest congrat
On July 22,2014,the second group of national human rights education and training bases was announced,increasing the number of national bases from the previous t
摘 要::对于幼师学校而言,培养的学生几乎全部是为幼儿教育机构量身定做。因此,幼师学校学生技能水平的高低,一定程度上决定了幼儿教育事业的兴衰成败。而今后将走上幼儿教师岗位的学生,能力与水平的高低又与教授他们的教师综合素质高低有着密切关联。笔者认为,结合当前幼师学校学生的素质状况,“教学做合一”这一人才培养新模式无疑符合当代教育的需要,更能够为幼师学校人才培养插上成功的翅膀。  关键词:幼师学校;教
The Ministry of Education and the State Council Information Office on July 22 announced the second group of national human rights education and training bases,i