Title: The Moral Economy of farmers: rebellion and existence of the United States and Southeast Asia :() Scott Publisher: Yilin Press Publication date: a year, A to B fishermen rushed to a March 1, 2013 Dyeing and printing business owner’s home, throwing a lump of manure into his home cooking pot. The cause of this extreme approach is that the sewage discharged by several printing and dyeing enterprises in the B area polluted the river in the lower reaches of the B site, resulting in the death of fish and shrimp farmed by the fishermen in the B area. Many unsuccessful negotiations resulted in the use of damaged fishermen Such retaliation means: you cut my life, I can not let you have a good meal. After the reduction and exemption of agricultural taxes, the government thought that “the issue of agriculture, farmer and rural areas” can be greatly alleviated, but the hidden dangers caused by economic policies ignoring the environment have quickly entered into people’s eyes and the high agricultural cost even more