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一、“九五”期间我国林业工作的简要回顾“九五”时期,是我国林业发展史上一个不平凡的时期。党中央、国务院对林业空前重视,全社会对林业的认识显著提高,林业定位和指导思想发生了重大变化,各项林业事业取得了巨大成就,为新世纪的林业建设奠定了良好基础。(一)林业生态建设取得重大突破林业重点工程建设迈出了两大步:在继续实施“三北”防护林等林业重点工程的同时,相继启动了淮河太湖流域、珠江流域、辽河流域和黄河中游防护林工程;1998年特大洪灾之后,又在全国部分地区开展了天然林保护工程和退耕还林还草工程试点。在重点工程的带动下,造林绿化事业取得新的成绩。封山育林、飞播造林、人工造林、 I. A Brief Review of China’s Forestry Work during the Ninth Five-year Plan Period The Ninth Five-year Plan period was an extraordinary period in the history of forestry development in our country. The CPC Central Committee and the State Council have attached unprecedented importance to forestry, and the entire society has notably improved their understanding of forestry. Major changes have taken place in forestry orientation and guiding ideology. All kinds of forestry undertakings have made great achievements and laid a good foundation for forestry construction in the new century. (I) Significant Breakthrough in Forestry Ecological Construction Two major steps have been taken in the construction of the key forestry projects: while continuing to implement key forest projects such as the “Three Norths” shelterbelt, they have launched the Huaihe River Basin, the Pearl River Basin, the Liaohe River Basin and the middle reaches of the Yellow River Shelterbelt Project; After the extraordinary flood in 1998, Pilot Project of Natural Forest Protection Project and Project of Returning Farmland to Forest and Grassland were carried out in some parts of the country. Driven by the key projects, afforestation afforestation has made new achievements. Hill closure afforestation, aerial seeding afforestation, artificial afforestation,
从传动系行星排传递单元和构件出发,建立了N自由度行星变速箱运动学数学模型,并运用该模型对三自由度行星变速箱进行了换档过程的动态仿真。 Based on the planetary transm
评委评语  刘克成:我赞赏作品表达出的一种对待历史的态度,即在保护历史遗产的前提下,积极地与历史进行对话,使新设计成为历史的一部分。这种态度符合国际社会在文化遗产保护领
2012年度,预计全年实现营业收入25亿元,利润总额4.2亿元,年末总资产为175亿元,日供水能力达到750万t,服务人口2100万人…rn2012年度,预计能够实现售水8 7亿t,同比增长13%;污水
摘要:在计算机技术领域中,CPU和GPU两者是相辅相成的,在CPU和GPU发展过程中遇到了各种瓶颈,要相对该种瓶颈进行解决,就要将两者相互结合进行实现,并且关于CPU和GPU两者相互结合的方案一直被相关人员所重视和研究。基于此,该文就对CPU和GPU两者的联合异构计算系统进行分析,两者的结合能够有效提高处理器的性能,并且还能够提高处理器的性价比,促进计算机处理器能够迈向全新的台阶,之后对CPU G