正确计算建设项目的贷款总额和期限,是一项关系到能否发挥贷款优越性的政策性很强的工作,应该慎重对待。根据《基本建设贷款实施细则》第23条的规定,“贷款期限,按照建设期和还款期合并计算”。实际工作中建设期应是用款期,因此,贷款期限的计算公式为: 贷款期限=用款期+还款期根据《基本建设贷款试行条例》第15条的规定,“建设项目投产前的贷款利息,可在贷款中支付。用以支付利息的贷款不再计息。”《基本建设贷款实施细则》还规定,“还款期,根据建成投产后每年可用于还本付
Correctly calculating the total amount of loans and the deadlines for construction projects is a very policy-oriented exercise that can affect the superiority of lending and should be treated with caution. According to Article 23 of the Detailed Rules for Implementation of the Capital Construction Loan, ”the loan term shall be calculated in accordance with the construction period and the repayment period“. The actual construction period should be the term of the loan. Therefore, the loan term is calculated as follows: Loan Term = Term + Repayment Term According to Article 15 of the ”Trial Regulations on Capital Construction Loans“, ”Before the project is put into operation Of the loan interest can be paid in the loan.The loan to pay interest no longer interest. “” The implementation of the capital construction loan regulations also provides "repayment period, according to the annual completion of production can be used for repayment