Utilizing Institutional Advantages to Promote Local Export

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  Overseas Exhibitions: CCPTI Shenyang subcouncil was set up in 1984, and has extensive experience in attracting foreign investment and promoting the cooperation between local enterprises and international companies and organizations. Could you share your perceptions on the work of CCPIT Shenyang Subcouncil in the last year?
  Zhao: The work of trade promotion is highly international. CCPIT possesses extensive external resources and enjoys close relationship with trade bureaus and promotion agencies in about 200 countries. Our activities are held in close relationship with foreign organizations, providing an international trade platform, adhering to international customs, and also reflect the position of China in international market.
  Second, the work of trade promotion is very inclusive. Exhibition organizing is one of our main responsibilities. Over the years, we have been organizing exhibitions jointly with the central government, local governments, foreign trade promotion organizations, and other governmental and nongovernmental agencies at home and abroad.
  In addition, equipped with a group of talents of extensive experiences under the leadership of the Central Government, we are able to provide highly professional trade promotion service.
  Last but not least, we are not policy makers, but a service deliver, aiming to promote local economy and fulfill the diplomatic purpose of our country. This is the primary aim of our existence.
  Overseas Exhibitions: To host exhibitions overseas and to organize exhibitions within the country is a major part of CCPIT. Do you host any exhibitions overseas?
  Zhao: A major overseas exhibition programme of ours is the Shenyang Week, which is hosted every one or two years with 100 to 200 stands. The show features products of Shenyang, including manufacturing products, construction materials, civil products and some business projects. Up to now, we have hosted many sessions of Shenyang Week, contributing to the growth of local export.
  Overseas Exhibitions: Do you host exhibitions in China?
  Zhao: we have International Flight Conference General Aviation Product Expo, at Caihu Faku Airport, Shenyang in August or September of each year, with an exhibition area of 12,000m2; China Import and Export Expo, hosted in September of each year, with an exhibition area of 10,000m2; China(Shenyang) International Construction Industry Expo in May, which is 60,000m2. Shenyang International Home Furnishing Exhibition in August, which is 50,000m2. Other exhibitions cover agriculture, manufacturing, mobile telecommunication, animation and porcelain industry.   Overseas Exhibitions: What do you think are the privileges of CCPIT in trade promotion in comparison with exhibition companies?
  Zhao: First and foremost, CCPIT is the supervising agency for overseas exhibition activities, we not only approve the exhibition schemes of exhibition companies, but also organize Chinese companies to exhibit in countries which have not established diplomatic relations with China, and manage exhibiting plans of the country. In the meantime, we also organize our own exhibitions in other countries, like the above-mentioned Shenyang Week, according to the guiding policy of the central government. Thirdly, companies who exhibit with us can receive some stipends, and also get good fair position.
  Overseas Exhibitions: From 23rd to 25th August, CCPIT Shenyang Subcouncil will host the first International Flight Conference General Aviation Product Expo. Would you kindly introduce the Expo to us, and your expectation for it?

  Zhao: International Flight Conference General Aviation Product Expo was created to promote the low sky economy and the aviation industry in Shenyang. Aviation is one of our pillar industries in the city. Shenfei, Liming and other airplane and engine manufacturers and the aviation institutes and colleges form an aviation products value chain. We have been planning about the Expo as early as in 2009, and we also co-host Asia Aviation Forum with Reed Exhibitions, and AOPA Flight Conference with Faku County Government. This year, AOPA will be hosted in the same period with the International Flight Conference General Aviation Product Expo from 20th to 22nd September. Up to now, the Expo has gain extensive support from general aviation product manufacturers and institutes in China and abroad, and over 30 airplanes from 40 companies have enrolled to participate. There are several spotlights at the Expo this year: there are several airplane types, and water airplanes will be at display, and there will be a motorboat race; furthermore, some audiences can try to fly in person. It is our hope that the Expo will be a promotion force for low sky aviation industry of China.
  Overseas Exhibitions: The national Outbound Exhibition Meeting has just been held on 25th July, and delegates from CCPIT subcouncils all across the country shared with each other, What are the features with each other CCPIT Shenyang Subcouncil’s work?
  Zhao: Due to a busy schedule, I was not able to attend the meeting, instead my collegues went. I think that the work of CCPIT Shenyang Subcouncil will base its work on the industrial development frame in the city and try our best to implement the going global policy, providing a platform for local enterprises of manufacturing, aviation, construction, agriculture, machinery and textile industry. We will try our best to support local companies for products export. Over the past years, we have established close relationship with neighboring northeast countries and accumulated abundant resources to participate in international exhibitions.   Overseas Exhibitions: As I follow, CCPIT Shenyang Subcouncil is the member of North Exhibition League, which is established in 2009. What do you think is the significance of professional societies on promoting China exhibitions?
  Zhao: Professional associations can integrate industrial resources on organizing exhibitions as well as enlarging exhibition scales, and raise the degree of internationalization of the exhibitions to compete more powerfully on global market. It can also strengthen regional industrial interaction and utilize resources more efficiently. Furthermore, regional cooperation is beneficial for mutual cooperation of exhibition programmes. Also, members of the association can exchange information to promote the image of each other, and in this way, the team spirit can be created and the ability to combat risk will increase.
  Overseas Exhibitions: From later part of this year to next year, what are on the agenda of Shenyang Subcouncil?
  Zhao: According to the overseas exhibition programmes this year, we will organize local companies to participate in South Africa Built Exhibition, Germany Hospital Equipment Exhibition, Poland Exhibition Industry, Russia Clothing Exhibition, and Russia Cultural Exhibition. Meanwhile, we are planning on overseas exhibitions for Shenyang Equipment, Construction industry and the farming industry.
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