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  Automechanika Kiev是Automechanika 系列展会的又一新成员,是乌克兰第一个汽车零部件行业 B2B展览会。根据 2012 年Automechanika 在法兰克福的母展展会现场所做的展商调查问卷显示,近千家展商对在乌克兰表现出了强烈的意愿,其中包括了来自亚洲、欧洲、俄罗斯以及乌克兰本土的企业,中国有 100 多家展商对乌克兰市场表示出不同程度的兴趣。(苏希玲)
   Automechanika Kiev cancelled
  In view of the current political situation in the Ukraine, Messe Frankfurt has cancelled the planned première of?Automechanika Kiev. The trade show had initially been scheduled from June 9 to 11, 2015 at the?KyivExpoPlaza. Automechanika Kiev was supposed to be staged under license by?Independent Expo Automotive BV?from the Netherlands, who in return had assigned its subsidiary?Independent Expo Ukraine?with on-site management.?
   Drupa switches to a three-year cycle
  Drupa, the world’s leading trade fair for print and crossmedia solutions, will switch to a three-year cycle after 2016, when it runs from 31 May to 10 June. This decision was taken by the drupa committee at today’s meeting in Düsseldorf. “The entire print process chain has changed radically because of the Internet and digital technologies. New applications and solutions are developing and opening up new fields of business. At the same time, there is more focus on innovative technologies, such as 3D printing, printed electronics and functional printing,” explains Claus Bolza-Schünemann, Chairman of the drupa Advisory Board and President Koenig & Bauer Group.?
  The precise dates haven’t yet been finalised, but it’s clear that drupa will take place in the traditional drupa month of May in 2019, 2022 and 2025 in Düsseldorf.
   North Korea consumer exhibitions gaining momentum
  Recently, in order to echo the national policy of establishing multiple foreign trade relationships, Korea National Exhibition Society is hosting Pyongyang International Trade Fair to promote the trade communications between local enterprises and international companies. The spring session of the the 2015 exhibitions will be held from 11-15, May, and the autumn session, 21-24, September. Korea National Exhibition Society revealed that in accordance to rising international interest, it is upgrading the scale of the shows..
2013年6月13-15日,2013年第9届土耳其国际美容展(Beauty Eurasia)在土耳其伊斯坦布尔Tuyap展览中心举行。伊斯坦布尔位于欧亚大陆交汇处,是一个重要的购物城市,对于开发新兴的伊朗、伊拉克、俄罗斯、中亚、巴尔干半岛的市场而言,极为便利。该市有着一千五百万人口,为土耳其与附近地域之最。因此,该市本身就是一个化妆品与美容行业的市场,同时也是众多美容公司所在地。因此,很多外国公司
LibyaBuild 2013 was held from 19th to 23rd May 2013, in Tripoli International Exhibition Center. As the biggest construction and engineering exhibition in country, Libya Build enjoys extensive support
The predecessor of the Nor-Shipping trade fair was organised for the first time as Deck and Engine Room in the early 1960s by Norwegian Industrial Fairs(now Norway Trade Fairs) in cooperation with the
Background  Established in 1967, PROMOSALONS aims to promote French trade fairs worldwide. The association offers professional expertise, know-how and unparalleled coverage through a global network of
PAACE Automechanika Mexico City is considered to be the most important international trade show for the automotive aftermarket industry in Latin America. With more than 500 exhibitors from across the
近日,国家发展改革委、外交部、商务部联合发布了《推动共建丝绸之路经济带和21世纪海上丝绸之路的愿景与行动》(简称《愿景与行动》)。《愿景与行动》认为,贸易合作将是“一带一路”建设的重点内容。  作为我国重大经贸外交战略,关于“一带一路”各行业均有相关版本的解读,都试图从中找到行业发展的契机。出国展览一向是外贸情况的晴雨表,也是促进外贸发展的重要平台。围绕“一带一路”的沿线国家举办或参加国际性展会,
2013利比亚国际建材及工程机械展览会(LibyaBuild 2013)于5月19日至23日在利比亚的黎波里国际会展中心举行。  LibyaBuild 是利比亚规模最大的国际建材及工程机械展会, 拥有强大的官方支持与来自26个国家的工商会企业与采购商资源支持,同时也获得了国际展览联盟的认证(UFI)。  LibyaBuild 2012吸引了约600家参展商,其中有427家来自全球26个国家,展出面
2013年7月10-12日,中美洲国际汽车零部件与原料加工及售后服务贸易展览会在墨西哥城举行。该展由德国法兰克福展览有限公司主办,每年一届,定期在墨西哥城举办,仅对专业观众开放,是墨西哥及中美洲地区汽配领域最具影响力的国际性展览会之一。展会在拉美汽车市场占据举足轻重的地位,与相关行业协会如APRA, MEMA以及SEMA都有紧密关联,同时受到ANDELLAC,ARIDRA,Pro México与美
博闻公司与Interexpo公司合办马来西亚美容博览会  日前,博闻公司与马来西亚展会主办方Interexpo展览公司达成合作,博闻公司将参与主办Interexpo旗下的马来西亚美容博览会。该展会是马来西亚规模最大、创办时间最长的美容行业贸易展会,而博闻公司主办东南亚地区多个首屈一指的美容展览会。  博闻公司东盟地区董事总经理M. Gandhi表示,“通过此项战略合作,马来西亚美博会纳入到博闻在东
1月15日,泰国会议展览局参加在云南举行的第十一届中国会展经济国际合作论坛期间,与中国国际贸易促进委员会总会、贸促会云南省分会签订了会奖活动合作备忘录,吸引更多中国企业家到东盟国家与大湄公河次区域进行会奖旅游活动。  泰国会议展览局表示,云南省的商务环境正在不断改善,尤其是基础设施建设领域,而大湄公河次区域有着多姿多彩的地貌和多个领域的发展潜力,是连接中国与南亚、东南亚的黄金门户。此次泰国会展局、