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   继续走了一英里,第二个修道士说他的背痛更严重了,“都是为了抬那个老妇人,早知如此,我就不帮忙了。” 第一个修道士仍然微笑不语。
   “当然没事,” 第一个修道士爽朗地笑了,“从河边到现在,你一直还抬着那个老妇人。而我在五英里前就把她放下了。”
  Two monks1 walked through the countryside toward another village. As they come to the edge of a river, they saw an old woman sitting there upset2 because the bridge was destroyed by the storm, and she was too weak to walk cross the stream. The first monk said right away,“We are tall enough, we can carry you across.” The sec-ond monk thought it troublesome, and didn’t want to help. But since his friend had already made the offer, he agreed reluctantly3. So the two monks joined hands, lift-ed her between them and carried her across the river. When they got to the other side, they set her down and she went on her way gratefully.
   After they had walked another mile or so, the second monk began to complain, “Look at my clothes, they are filthy4 from carrying that woman across the river. And my back still hurts from lifting her,” he said, hand on his back. “I can feel it getting stiff.” The first monk just smiled and nodded without a word.
   After another mile, the second monk said his back got more painful. “It is all because of carrying that woman. If I knew, I wouldn’t have helped her.” The first monk smiled and said nothing.
   The second monk complained every other mile, his back pain get more and more serious. On the 5th mile, he couldn’t stand it anymore and collapsed5 on the grass. “My back is hurting me so badly. I cannot go any farther because of the pain and it is all because we had to carry that silly woman across the river!” Out of breath, he asked, “Why is it you’re not complaining about it, too? Doesn’t your back hurt?”
   “Of course not,” the first monk replied, laughing. “You have been carrying the woman since we left the river bank. But I set her down five miles ago.”
   We are often like that second monk who cannot let go of complaining and pain of the past. Years later, we still carry the burdens6, worn out, and cannot go any further.

①Across  1.________your homework.  2.________your teeth.  4.Math homework: two times two.  6.My book is_______the desk.  8.I_______to clean my room.  9.________your bed.  10.________the floor.  12.___
再过一会儿,汤米那最近刚刚分居的父母就要来这里与我一起商讨他那错漏百出的作业和他那些捣蛋的行为。他的父母不知道我把他们双方都叫来了。  汤米是他们惟一的孩子,过去一直都很快乐,团结友爱,是一个优秀的学生。我怎么才能使他的父母相信他最近成绩下滑是因为他所敬爱的父母悬而未决的离婚和分居?  汤米的母亲走了进来,坐到我书桌旁边的椅子上。然后,汤米的父亲也到了。很显然,他们谁也不理睬谁。  当向他们详细讲
有个小男孩来到一家百货大楼,直奔女性内衣柜台。他害羞地对女售货员说:“母亲节就要到了,我想用送报攒下的钱给妈妈买条衬裙。”  “我们刚进了一批最新款的衬裙,她一定会喜欢的,”女售货员鼓励他说,“你要多大尺寸的?”  “尺寸……”小家伙面露难色,“我不知道。”“没关系。告诉我,你妈妈是高还是矮,是胖还是瘦?”好心的售货员问,“我可以帮你参谋一下。”  “我妈妈很完美。她不胖也不瘦,不高也不矮。”小男
当我还是一个小女孩的时候,我们一家六口每逢星期天都要穿上最好的衣服到星期日学校去,然后再去教堂。小学生们会聚集在学校里一起唱歌,然后再按照年龄分成不同的小组。  一次复活节的时候,孩子们来到学校,兴奋地谈论着复活节兔子给他们带来的礼物。但是,在所有的孩子高兴地与大家分享他们的故事的时候,一个我应该叫他鲍比的小男孩,却闷闷不乐地坐在那里不说话。有一位老师注意到了鲍比的沮丧,就问他:“复活节的兔子给你
The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.  —Thomas Macaulay  衡量一个人的真正品行是当他知道他不可能被人发现时他将做什么。  ———托马斯·麦考莱  大约30年前,我在纽约的一所公立学校里学习。一天,内奈特·奥妮尔女士给我们班考
一位演讲者一次在向听众解释如何减压的时候,举起一杯水问道:“这杯水有多沉?”听众的答案从20克到500克不等。演讲者说:“绝对的重量并不重要。重要的是你举的时间有多长。”  “如果我举一分钟,肯定没问题。如果举一个小时,我的右胳膊就会疼痛。如果举一天,你们就得给我叫救护车了。在这三种情况下重量都是相同的,可是我举的时间越长,它就越重。”  他继续说:“减压也是同样的道理。如果我们老是背负着压力,随
药剂师把我的药方递给了我,并为我的等待向我道歉,解释说他的现金记录机已经关闭了。他问我是否介意用药店前面的那个现金记录机。  我告诉他不必担心,就向前面走去。在那里,有一个人排在我的前面。她是一个不到七岁的小女孩,在她前面的柜台上放着一瓶布洛芬(儿童药)。她把一个白绿条纹相间的装零钱的钱包紧紧地抓在胸前。  那个钱包使我想起我的童年。我记得,我在我祖母的壁橱里把自己装扮起来,穿着肥大的衣服在房间里
It is said that everyone is a born artist. If you have the chance, which of the following careers will you choose?  有人说每个小孩都曾是艺术的精灵。如果让现在的你,选择从事艺术工作,你的选择会是?  A. Painter B. Photographer  C. Sculptor D.
I guessAiri might not find the light of gloom came into my eyes at the moment, for, the little devil jumped to me unexpectedly and pulled my hair.   “Hi, let’s hold a memorial ceremony and say goodbye
爱尔曼·琼斯被指派到新兵征召中心,向新兵们介绍政府的保险抚恤金,尤其是他们的军人保险。  没过多久,史密斯上尉就注意到爱尔曼·琼斯的惊人的成功率,他向新兵推荐的保险的购买率几乎达到100%。  史密斯上尉没有走过去直接问琼斯,而是站在房间的后面,凝神静听他推销。  琼斯先向新兵们解释了军人保险的基本情况,然后说道:“如果你参加了军人保险,上了战场,牺牲了,那么,政府必须支付200 000美元给你的