众所周知,3月12日是我国的植树节,那么3月21日又是一个什么特别的日子呢?对,3月21日是世界森林日(World Forest Day)。你知道吗?森林与自然界的生态平衡息息相关。森林可以调节气候,净化空气,涵养水源,阻挡风沙,防止水土流失,美化环境。特别值得一提的是,森林通过光合作用,吸收大量的二氧化碳,释放出氧气,使人类不断地获得新鲜空气。因此,人们称森林是“地球之肺”。森林是绿色宝库,而我们人类却在不断地毁坏森林。二三百年前,我国的陕北榆林地区曾是个林草茂密、土肥水足的好地
As we all know, March 12 is the Arbor Day in our country. So what special day is March 21? Yes, March 21 is World Forest Day. Did you know that the ecological balance between forests and nature is closely linked. The forest can regulate the climate, purify the air, conserve water, stop wind and sand, prevent soil erosion and beautify the environment. What deserves special mention is that, through photosynthesis, forests absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide and release oxygen so that mankind can continuously obtain fresh air. Therefore, people call the forest “the lungs of the earth.” Forests are green treasures, and we humans are constantly destroying forests. Two hundred or three hundred years ago, our country’s Yulin area of northern Shaanxi was once a dense forest,