The Recovery of Human Nature

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenrongxu222
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  【Abstract】The Gothic mystery and horror atmosphere of Wuthering Heights make it to be one of the eeriest and the most elusive British novels in the history of English literature. In order to deeply interpret the unique structure of the novel and its corresponding construction of the theme, this paper intends to use the theory of defamiliarization narrative as the basis for interpretation.
  【Key words】Wuthering Heights; defamiliarization; narrative structure; human nature

1. Theoretical basis

  “One of Shklovsky’s most important ideas from the theory of prose was his principle of ‘defamiliarisation’. Shklovsky argued that as things become more familiar, we stop paying attention to them. In some cases we stop noticing them entirely. This is what happens to our everyday language, it gets automatized. Shklovsky thought that it was the function of literary texts, and all other arts, to make people perceive the world from new and different perspectives”. In order to break the habit of the way the readers read, and to make them no longer numbly listen to a frigid and boring story about love and hate, the author must fully attract people’s reading interest and arouse their feeling of novelty. Thus, the creative distortion of the narrative structure becomes the author’s first choice.

2. Narrative Structure

  In Wuthering Heights, the author gives up the linear narrative technique of telling a story from the beginning to the end; however, it is not a flashback, either, but a structural model that begins from the middle. Specifically, Chapters 1 through 3 are about Lockwood, a strange guest visited Wuthering Heights in 1801 for the first time. Before this time, many things had happened in Wuthering Heights, but he knew nothing about it. Through the eyes of this stranger, we see a world full of haze, weirdness and inexorability. He noticed Heathcliff’s queer behavior. He also had a distinct view of little Catherine: “the most exquisite little face; very fair; flaxen ringlets, or rather golden, hanging loose on her delicate neck”, but was austere, cool, grave and indifferent. He found Catherine’s faded hieroglyphics diary by accident and was flurried. All of these make the readers wonder: what happened? What caused all these horror and mystery? The defamiliarization effect produced by such a narrative structure thus makes the story in suspense, attracting readers and Lockwood to seek the answer together. This leads to Chapters 4 through 30. This part is flashback. Nelly told the past of Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange to satisfy Lockwood’s curiosity. Close to the end of the story, the cause and effect of the whole story are completely presented to the readers, and the readers cannot help but be shocked and indignant: how can there be such a bitter love story in the suffering world, how can there be such a wild revenge! This suspense has just ended up; the next suspense is coming again: what is the final destiny of the characters in the novel? Chapters 31 to 34 tell about Lockwood’s revisit to Wuthering Heights in February 1802. From here on, the order is in positive sequence. At this time, Heathcliff ends his hatred through death and gives up his vengeance. The novel ended with a little boy herding the sheep saw Heathcliff and Catherine hand in hand strolling over the wasteland. With the end of the story, the readers’ bloodcurdling emotions are once again aroused; at the same time they are shocked by the love that transcends life and death.   The whole plot is always suspenseful, interlocking, and the atmosphere is always full of tension, capturing the readers’ heart. With such a complicated narrative structure, the readers’ original reading habits have been broken, and it is necessary for them to clarify the chronological order of the plot between the three parts over and over again. As a result, the reading time is extended, the aesthetic length is expanded, resulting in alienation and barrier in understanding and reflecting on human nature with their emotions ups and downs.

3. Conclusion

  Wuthering Heights has a powerful artistic power, and this strong shocking effect is inseparable from the defamiliarization narrative approach adopted by the author. The fate of the hero just tells us “‘love’ and ‘hate’ as a whole. ... ‘Hate’ wants to establish its absolute rule in the human world, despite how powerful it is, it cannot do it. Breaking through hatred, the love that was finally established is the recovery of the frozen, numb humanity. Humanity has been liberated from the degeneration. Human beings are always hopeful”.
【摘要】在进行职业院校英语教学的过程中,采取分层教学的方法能够很好地帮助学生进行英语能力的提高。尤其是职业院校的学生最重要的就是要提高自己的相关技能,那么他们对于英语的要求也越来越高。分层教学的方法也是坚持以学生为学习主体的教学模式,然后加以教师的引导,从而实行一种更加灵活的教学模式,能够很好地发挥教师与学生的学习积极性,对于提高教学的质量和效率是非常重要的。  【关键词】分层教学法;职业院校;英
【摘要】中职院校的基本职能是培养应用型人才,所以在其英语教学方面提升教学成效和激发学生兴趣才是重点。当下信息技术迅速发展,互联网 的教学模式被广泛应用,全面创新了中职英语教学的方式。基于此,本文将从互联网对教学的作用入手分析,最后再探讨具体的教学策略,以供参考借鉴。  【关键词】互联网 ;中职英语;教学策略  【作者简介】杨梅,天水市职业技术学校。引言  在信息技术发展之下,网络信息技术在整个教育
【摘要】在小学英语教学中,教师要能够积极培养好小学生的英语阅读能力,不断丰富学生的英语口语基础知识,促進学生能够获得更多的阅读经验,有效培养好小学生具有更高的英语学科素养。笔者能够结合自己的英语教学经验,就本文从英语阅读能力提升的策略、阅读经验的积累方面做如下探讨。  【关键词】小学高年级;英语;阅读与积累  【作者简介】唐佐,江苏省宿迁市泗阳县裴圩镇黄圩小学。  对于英语学科教学而言,阅读教学是
【摘要】高中英语教学的重点是学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力,而这些能力的提升离不来学生词汇量的丰富和词汇教学的有效开展。以写促学是一种比较科学的教学策略,本文就高中英语词汇教学中以写促学教学策略运用的问题进行探讨。  【关键词】高中英语;以写促学;词汇教学;应用策略  【作者简介】丁汀,江苏省淮安市洪泽湖高级中学。  高中阶段的英语教学过程中,英语词汇是重要的教学内容,采用创新的教学方法应用就显得比
一、引言  语音、词汇、语法是语言学习的三大要素,而词汇作为三大要素之一,直接影響到语言学习者的听、说、读、写四种语言技能。Laufer(1986)认为:如果没有理解文本中的词汇,理解文本就成了一句空话,不管对一个人的母语还是外语来说,都是如此。威金斯对词的评价是:没有语法,人们能表达的东西很少,而如果没有词汇,人们则什么也不能表达。因此,了解词汇学习策略,增加词汇量对外语学习者至关重要。  词汇
【摘要】读写融合,是近年来小学英语教学所关注的一个热点。将阅读和写作融合起来对学生展开综合教学,促进学生的读写能力实现同步提升。对此,本文首先针对读写融合的内涵与教学实施原则做出分析,然后探讨了小学英语教学构建读写融合教学模式的具体策略,希望可以给广大小学英语教师提供参考。  【关键词】小学英语;读写融合;实施原则;教学策略  【作者简介】李刘娣,江苏省盐城市阜宁县实验小学。  之所以提出实施读写
【摘要】在信息技术不断发展的社会背景下,翻转课堂结合构建主义作为一种新的教学模式,逐步深入到高校英语课堂。本文从对构建注意和翻转课堂理念基本内涵的研究出发,探讨基于构建主义视域的高校英语翻转课堂教学策略。  【关键词】构建主义领域;翻转课堂;英语教学探究  【作者简介】李蕾,河北医科大学外语教学部。  引言  随着我国经济实力的不断上升,我国与世界各国的交流也变得更加频繁。现代社会更加需要有着优秀
【摘要】职业教育精品课程建设的主要内容有:课程理念的建设,课程资源的建设,教学团队的建设,课程实施条件的建设,教學方法和手段的建设,管理制度和评价手段的建设等。本文以重庆公共运输职业学院《大学英语》精品课程建设实践过程为例,研究和探讨如何通过教学手段创新、教材和考试改革、师资培养等方面打造优质精品课程,全面提升职业院校学生的职业能力和职业素质。  【关键词】精品课程;大学英语  【作者简介】潘欣,
【摘要】随着社会的发展,英语教学显得越来越重要。小学阶段是英语教育的初始阶段,易出现重知识轻兴趣等问题,影响到学生学习的主动性与积极性,从而影响到英语教学的实效性。因此在小学英语教学实践中应开展趣味教学的实践,巧设情境、开展活动、丰富教学等,营造轻松的学习氛围,激发学生学习兴趣与潜力,引导学生体验外国文化,激发学生创造力。同时应注意把握教育时机,帮助学生真正在快乐中学习知识。  【关键词】小学英语