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大赋以铺陈为本,落实于造语用字。赋体文学研究必当基于文字的语用考察,要在四言散语一顺,一于名物铺陈,一于描写铺陈。名物铺陈广致奇异,用字繁难,同旁类聚,排比堆砌。描写铺陈或避重异形,字类繁复,尤在双字联绵本于音义的形变、本于声韵的形义之变,以及转音以变形义,肆加偏旁,繁滋复赘。四言散语一顺铺陈对于大赋用字具有句式规制作用,双字为“词”及四字为句多以单字类合,表现于描写铺陈双字乃至四字并列的声韵和形义关联,不是口语“双音词”的书写记录,而大半出于赋家临文的组字创造,反映字类虚实转化的语用功能。 Da Fu to lay the ground-based implementation of the idioms with words. Fu language literature research must be based on pragmatic study of the text, to be scattered in the Sanshou Shun, a shop in the name of the object, a description of the shop. Named Chan wide to the singular, with the word trouble, with the next type of poly, row than stacked. Depicted to avoid or lay the shape of Chan Shao, word complex, especially in the double word of the deformation of the sound and meaning, the rhyme of the rhythm of the change, and pitch to deformation righteousness, wanton bias, Fanzhu redundant. Sanshou Sanshuanyanju has the role of a sentence-regulating function for the words used in Da Fu. The double word is a “word” and the four words are more words combined in a single word. Metaphysical relevance is not the written record of the spoken words or disyllabic words, but most of them are created from the group words of the author Lin Wen, reflecting the pragmatic function of the transformation of fictitious and real characters.
<正> 恶性淋巴瘤、白血病病人大量瘤细胞破坏时,核酸代谢亢进,嘌呤代谢产物尿酸增高,尤在化疗时可促发高尿酸性肾病.本院自1978年8月至1990年8月收治的白血病病人中,6例化疗
抗甲状腺药 (抗甲药 )治疗甲状腺机能亢进症 (甲亢 ) ,部分患者易产生副反应 ,且停药后复发率很高。本文应用中国传统的针刺方法治疗 ,观察对象 1 36例均为服用抗甲药有明显
<正> 我所金舒白老中医年逾七旬,行医五十余载,擅长针术,具有丰富的临床经验。金老临证注重疗效,对针刺治疗甲状腺机能亢进症(简称“甲亢”)颇有研究,临床疗效显著。兹就
<正> 葛洪(283—343或363)系东晋道土、著名道教学者,字稚川,自号抱朴子,丹阳句容人(今江苏南京附近),学识渊博,有着多学科的成就。 葛洪是古代有名的炼丹冢,他在炼丹方面的