美、澳两国家具生产及市场的共同特点是以配合潮流为主导、不断地追求新和变,一般家具的流行期只有几个月,最多不超过三年。一、未来美国家具市场的发展方向据美国“The Market Place”杂志及美国北卡州立大学家具制造经营系Mr.Tohn A.Ekwall最近研究资料表明,未来美国家具消费市场发展的方向为如下所述:
The common characteristics of the furniture production and market in the United States and Australia are the trend of keeping up with the trend and constantly pursuing new changes. The popular period of furniture in general is only a few months, and no more than three years at most. I. Future Directions for the Development of the American Furniture Market According to the latest research data from the United States“The Market Place” magazine and Mr.Tohn A.Ekwall, furniture manufacturing management department of North Carolina State University, USA, the future development direction of the US furniture consumer market is as follows: Said: