间接喉镜下喉咽部及喉部手术简便、常用,手术意外极为少见,一旦发生,病情危急。我科曾发生4例,现报告如下。例1 男,61岁。因食炒蚕豆后咽喉轻微痛、异物感2d就诊。检查见会厌谷右侧有一2.0cm×1.0cm×0.6cm大小光滑暗红色突起,诊断为蚕豆擦伤后血肿。经保守治疗7d后症状未消,
Indirect laryngopharyngeal laryngeal throat and laryngeal surgery is simple, common, surgical accidents are extremely rare, in the event of a critical condition. 4 cases have occurred in our department, are as follows. Example 1 Male, 61 years old. Frying beans after a slight throat pain, foreign body sensation 2d treatment. See the epiglottis check the right side there is a 2.0cm × 1.0cm × 0.6cm size smooth dark red protrusions, the diagnosis of vicia faba hematoma. 7d after conservative treatment of symptoms did not eliminate,