Recombinant Human Prolactin Protects against Irradiation-Induced Myelosuppression

来源 :Cellular & Molecular Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangduanhua870505
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Prolactin is a multifunctional hormone that exerts many separate functions and acts as an important connectionbetween the endocrine and immune systems.There are increasing researches implicating the role of prolactin inhematopoiesis.Enhanced erythropoiesis in pregnant women and direct erythropoietic effects in vitro of plasmaeither from pregnant or lactating mice have been reported.Furthermore,regression of erythroblastic leukemia hasbeen observed in a significant number of rats after hypophysectomy.In this study,the effects of recombinanthuman prolactin (rhPRL) on hematopoiesis were assessed in irradiated mice.Mice were treated with rhPRL forfive consecutive days after exposure to a lethal dose or a sub-dose irradiation.Prolonged survival rate andincreased erythropoiesis were observed in the irradiation-induced myelosuppressive mice.It was concluded thatrhPRL might act on erythropoiesis and could be a potential candidate for the treatment of irradiation-inducedmyelosuppresion in clinic.Cellular & Molecular Immunology.2005;2(5):379-385. Prolactin is a multifunctional hormone that exerts many separate functions and acts as an important connection between the endocrine and immune systems. Where are increasing researches implicating the role of prolactin in hematopoiesis. Enhanced d erythropoiesis in pregnant women and direct erythropoietic effects in vitro plasmaeither from pregnant or lactating mice have been reported. Still further, regression of erythroblastic leukemia hasbeen observed in a significant number of rats after hypophysectomy. In this study, the effects of recombinant human prolactin (rhPRL) on hematopoiesis were assessed in irradiated mice. Micr were treated with rhPRL forfive consecutive days after exposure to a lethal dose or a sub-dose irradiation. Prolonged survival rate and increased erythropoiesis were observed in the irradiation-induced myelosuppressive mice. It was formed thatrhPRL might act on erythropoiesis and could be a potential candidate for the treatment of irradiation-induced myelosuppresion in clini c. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2005; 2 (5): 379-385.
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