目前已有足够的临床资料证明,生活方式与老年高血压病的发生、治疗都有着十分密切的关系。正确的生活方式对老年高血压病人具有一定的降压作用,对提高降压药物的疗效和防止高血压并发症的发生也有十分重要的意义。那么,我们应当采取怎样的生活方式才能有利于高血压的治疗呢? 1.在饮食上降低钠盐的摄入量即可降低血压 我国人民食盐量普遍偏高,北方人日摄盐量在14克以上。世界卫生组织建议一般人群每日平均摄盐量应控制在6克以下,老年高血压患者每日摄盐量应控制在4克以下。可用代用盐代替食盐,减少钠而增加钾的摄入量,也可改变烹调方法,适当增加糖、
At present, there is enough clinical data to prove that lifestyle is closely related to the occurrence and treatment of hypertension in the elderly. Correct way of life for elderly patients with hypertension has a certain antihypertensive effect, to enhance the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs and prevent the occurrence of hypertension complications are also of great significance. So, we should take what kind of lifestyle can be conducive to the treatment of hypertension? 1. In the diet to reduce sodium intake to lower blood pressure Salt is generally high in our people, northerners daily intake of salt in 14 More than grams. World Health Organization recommends that the average daily average salt intake of the general population should be controlled at 6 grams or less, elderly patients with daily salt intake should be controlled at 4 grams or less. Alternative salt can be used instead of salt, reduce sodium and increase potassium intake, but also change the cooking method, an appropriate increase in sugar,