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思想政治工作是经济工作和其他一切工作的生命线。做好思想政治工作,是完成党和国家交给我行实现收购资金封闭运行各项任务的根本保证。笔者认为,每一个思想政治工作者要认真学习江总书记“七一”重要讲话,发扬求真务实的精神,做“实”思想政治工作,发挥思想政治工作的“生命线”作用。一、交流感情。沟通思想、交流感情是搞好思想政治工作基础。思想政治工作者首先要善于与工作对象交心。交心重要的是交流感情,只有敞开心扉,真情实意,才能成为知心朋友,群众才会相信你,才会同你讲实话。只有与群众建立民主、平等、团结、友爱的新型关系,你讲的话才会有人听,思想政治工作才会有说服力,才能真正发挥作用。二、以诚待人。思想政治工作是做人的工作,最能打动人的莫过于真诚。真诚是人们交往的基础。因此,思想政治工作 Ideological and political work is the lifeline of economic work and all other work. To do a good job in ideological and political work is the fundamental guarantee for accomplishing the various tasks entrusted to us by the party and the state in realizing the closed operation of the acquisition funds. The author believes that every ideological and political worker should conscientiously study General Secretary Jiang’s “1 July” important speech, carry forward the spirit of seeking truth and being pragmatic, do “real” ideological and political work, and give full play to the “lifeline” of ideological and political work. First, to exchange feelings. To communicate thoughts and exchange feelings is the basis for doing a good job in ideological and political work. Ideological and political workers must first be good at working with the work object. It is important to pay attention to exchange feelings, only open your heart, the true intentions, in order to become a close friend, the masses will believe you will tell you the truth. Only when you build a new type of democracy, equality, solidarity and friendship with the masses will someone hear you and your ideological and political work will be convincing and can really make a difference. Second, treat people with sincerity. Ideological and political work is a man’s work, the most impressed people than in good faith. Sincerity is the foundation of people’s interaction. Therefore, ideological and political work
目的 :了解口服 3种形式眼镜蛇毒的急性毒性及对肝癌的在体抑瘤作用。方法 :按Bliss法设计急性毒性实验 ,蛇毒兔血清、原毒和经酸热处理后蛇毒分别一次性给小鼠灌胃 ,观察其
目的 研究探讨精神病人护理风险管理,提高精神科护理安全.方法 学习掌握风险管理知识,研究精神病人护理中存在的护理风险,制订相关风险管理预防措施,实施护理风险管理.结果
[诊断] 口腔溃疡是常见的口腔黏膜溃疡性疾病,发作时疼痛明显,对日常说话、吃饭、休息都有影响.主要与温度、气候、个人体质、个人饮食习惯、生活是否规律等因素有关.