一、廉洁才能正已。作为一名党员干部。是人民的公仆,既然成为人民的公仆,就必须清正廉洁。廉洁必须自律,严格以《廉政准则》和《实施办法》规范自已的行为,时时、事事、处处不折不扣地贯彻执行。只有清正廉洁,才能有高尚的精神境界和道德情操。有了高尚的精神境界和道德。才能使遵纪守法、廉洁自律真正成为自觉行为,才能全心全意为人民服务,才能使自身正直。 二、已正才能正人。作为一名党的领导干部,首先要当好一名出色的党员,成
First, honesty can have been. As a party member cadre. As public servants of the people, since they become public servants of the people, they must be honest and clean. Integrity must be self-disciplined. Strict implementation of its own behavior should be strictly based on the “Criterion of Honest Government” and the “Measures for Implementation”, and all-out implementation should be always implemented. Only honest and fair can we have noble spiritual realms and moral sentiments. With noble spirit and morality. Only by doing so can we abide by the law and discipline and honesty and self-discipline truly become conscious behaviors, and serve the people wholeheartedly before we can make ourselves upright. Second, it is positive people. As a leading cadre of the party, we must first become an excellent party member