女人永远和广告有缘。且不说广告受众中到底有多少是女性,女性消费者的比例又占据了多少?仅就广告中著名的黄金准则——“3B”《Beauty Baby Beast)原则而言,撇开宝宝的性别,光就“美人”一项,可就占据了三分江山的一份天下,再问问宝宝的妈妈是谁,这三分之二的光辉便都照耀到了这样一个群体:“女性”。下面,我们要谈的就是这样的一个极致的群体中的另一种极致风情——“女广告人”,而我则更愿意称他们为“广告女人”。
Women are always associated with advertising. Not to mention the number of advertisers in the end is female, the proportion of female consumers account for how much? Just for the principle of “Beauty Baby Beast”, which is a well-known gold standard in advertising, aside from the baby’s sex, just “beauty” can take the place of one-third of the world and ask Who is the baby’s mother, two-thirds of the glory will have shone such a group: “women.” Below, we are going to talk about another extreme style of such an extreme group - “female advertisers”, and I prefer to call them “advertisment woman.”