Robust far-field imaging by spatial coherence engineering

来源 :光电进展(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syhlgs
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The degree of coherence (DOC) function that characterizes the second-order correlations at any two points in a light field is shown to provide a new degree of freedom for carrying information. As a rule, the DOC varies along the beam propagation path, preventing from the efficient information recovery. In this paper, we report that when a partially coher-ent beam carrying a cross phase propagates in free space, in a paraxial optical system or in a turbulent medium, the modulus of the far-field (focal plane) DOC acquires the same value as it has in the source plane. This unique propaga-tion feature is employed in a novel protocol for far-field imaging via the DOC, applicable to transmission in both free-space and turbulence. The advantages of the proposed approach are the confidentiality and resistance to turbulence, as well as the weaker requirement for the beam alignment accuracy. We demonstrate the feasibility and the robustness of the far-field imaging via the DOC in the turbulent media through both the experiment and the numerical simulations. Our findings have potential applications in optical imaging and remote sensing in natural environments, in the presence of op-tical turbulence.
利用ADAMS/Car搭建四轮驱动分布式电动车模型,在MATLAB中利用模糊控制原理计算转向横摆力矩,实现车辆的DYC (Direct Yaw-moment Control,直接横摆力矩控制);基于最优轮胎利用率函数设计稳定性控制器,增强汽车在高速转弯时的操纵稳定性.
The silver nanowires (Ag NWs) electrodes, which consist of incompact Ag nanoparticles (NPs) formed by multi-photon photoreduction, usually have poor conductivities. An effective strategy for enhancing conductivity of the Ag NWs elec-trodes is plasmon-enha
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