
来源 :史学理论研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:angelcaoxian
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第二次世界大战之后,“大西洋共同体”和“大西洋世界”等概念出现于欧美的政治和学术研究中,并逐渐发展成为一个热门研究领域,吸引了世界各地优秀学者的研究兴趣。本文从学理出发,综述了西方史学界对大西洋史的定义;在介绍大西洋史在西方兴起的背景时,重点分析了冷战时期的国际局势及史学研究等因素对大西洋史发展的推动作用;在综述大西洋史研究成果的同时,将欧美研究大西洋史的学者及其论著大致归为三类,并在肯定其成就的基础上,指出了这些研究的不足与缺陷。目前大西洋史研究的重要缺点之一是表现出强烈的“欧洲中心论”色彩,非洲及大西洋沿岸的非洲人没有得到应有的重视,大西洋史家也很少关注美洲印第安各族。这样的大西洋史将是不完善的。 After the Second World War, concepts such as “Atlantic Community” and “Atlantic World” appeared in political and academic researches in Europe and the United States and gradually developed into a hot research field that attracted the research interests of outstanding scholars from all over the world . This article, starting from the theory, summarizes the definition of the history of the Atlantic by the Western historians. When introducing the background of the rise of the Atlantic history in the West, it mainly analyzes the impetus of the international situation in the Cold War era and the historical study on the development of the Atlantic history. At the same time, the study of the history of the Atlantic Ocean at the same time, Europe and the United States will be divided into three categories of scholars and their works on the history of the Atlantic, and affirmed its achievements, pointed out the shortcomings and deficiencies of these studies. At present, one of the important shortcomings of the study of the history of the Atlantic is that it shows a strong “European centralism.” Africans on the coast of Africa and the Atlantic have not received the due attention. The Atlantic historians have paid little attention to the American Indian tribes. This history of the Atlantic will be imperfect.
目的:评价芪苈强心胶囊(黄芪、附子、丹参、人参、葶苈子、红花、陈皮、泽泻、香加皮、玉竹和桂枝)治疗慢性心力衰竭(chronic heart failure,CHF)的临床疗效和安全性。方法: