Pumi young poet Lu Rudi Di is the root of culture is the hometown of Liangshan hinterland. The national regional characteristics of Ruodi Diji are reflected in his simple, straightforward language expression and the way of narrating poetry. The acquisition of this quality is related to the way of life and thinking habits of the ethnic minorities in the hinterland of Liangshan, and is a concrete manifestation of the folk resources in the expression of literature. Lu Rudi Di poetry has a truly most of the current poet has lost the creative quality of the private sector: the most direct way into the core of things, the most susceptible art means the performance of poetry. The research on folk literature should not neglect and forget the existence of folk resources in the contemporary minority literature. If we do not pay enough attention to this issue and deal with arduous actions, then the theory of ethnic minority literary interpretation is always missing and incomplete.