Genotypic Difference of Plants in K-Enrichment Capability and the Distribution of K in Plant Rhizosp

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Plant genotypic difference of pot assiu m-enr ich ment capab ility and p ot assi um (K ) d ist rib ut ion at root-soil ioterface of different plant genotypes were studied by using seven plant species and eight varieties oftobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). The results indicated that K enrichment capability was: Ethiopian guizotia(Guizotia abyssinica Cass.)>feather cockscomb (Celosia arpentea L.)>alligator alternanthera (Alternantheraphiloxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.)> tobacco>sesbania (Sesbania cannabina (Retz.) Pers.)>wheat (Thticumaestivum L.)>broadbean (Vicia faba L.). Ethiopian guizotia showed very high K-enrichment capability atdifferent soil K levels, and the K content in its dry matter was over 110 mg kg-1 when soil K was fullysupplied, and about 60 mg kg-1 when no K fertilizer was applied. For alligator alternanthera, the capabilityto accumulate K was closely related with its growth medium. When it was grown on soils, both the K contentand K uptake rate of the plant were similar to those of tobacco. Evident K dep1etion was observed in therhizosphere of all plant species, and the depletion rate was related to the capability of K enrichment of plant. Plant genotypic difference of pot assiu m-enr ich ment capab ility and p ot assi um (K) d ist rib ut ion at root-soil ioterface of different plant genotypes were studied by using seven plant species and eight varieties of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L . The results indicated that K enrichment capability was: Ethiopian guizotia (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.)> Feather cockscomb (Celosia arpentea L.)> Alligator alternanthera (Alternantheraphiloxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.)> Tobacco> sesbania (Sesbania cannabina (Vicia faba L.). Ethiopian guizotia showed very high K-enrichment capability at different soil K levels, and the K content in its dry matter was over 110 mg kg -1 when soil K was fullysupplied, and about 60 mg kg-1 when no K fertilizer was applied. For alligator alternanthera, the capabilityto accumulate K was closely related with its growth medium. When it was grown on soils, both the K content and K uptake rate of the plant were similar to th ose of tobacco. Evident K dep 1etion was observed in therhizosphere of all plant species, and the depletion rate was related to the capability of K enrichment of plant.
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