China’s Last Wilderness

来源 :The World of Chinese | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xylzsh
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  Racing against the millions of tourists who would soon be arriving in the Tibet Autonomous Region via the new Lhasa Express railway, I spent the early summer of 2006 drifting across the plateau on foot, bus and donkey.
  My journey started with a 4X4 expedition across the remote tundra of eastern Tibet’s Kham region, where I spotted remote Buddhist monasteries and black tent settlements of nomadic drokpa shepherds. At Rongchu Gorge, a landslide literally tore the road from the mountain face, forcing me on an arduous four-hour hike in the dark and pouring rain. And at Mount Kailash, Asia’s most sacred mountain, my path to purity almost ended in breathless fatality atop the Drolma-La pass, had not a Ngari pilgrim woman literally carried me the remainder of the spiritual circuit.
  These images capture something of the peerless beauty and character of the people I came across during my journey in Tibet: China’s final wilderness.


  Buddhist worshiper shields herself from the blazing-hot votive candles at a small temple in old lhasa

  Female bddhist monk spinning her "manI" prayer wheel at the sacred doors oF jokhang temple, the spiritual heart of lhasa

  Tibetan tassel-adorned door of a temple at mount kailash

  One of the many highaltitude passes in kham, east tibet

  Tibetan girl in kham, east tibet, with auspiciously numbered 108 hair braids

  A woman prostrates herself before the potala palace In lhasa

  Well-dressed khampa men enjoy a smoke and a beer in the outpost town of markham in eastern tibet

  Daughter of tibetan pilgrims wearIng a pendant of the 10th panchen lama, choekyi gyaltsen
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