根据山东玉米专家李登海的高产经验,我们抓了玉米高产方,采取了配方施肥,获得了平均亩产679公斤的可喜收成,个别地块高达750多公斤,首创本乡玉米高产纪录。具体配方如下: 一、苗肥。每亩二铵15公斤,氧化钾20公斤,尿素10公斤,硫酸锌1公斤,四肥混合均匀,然后用锄地勺或小锅头在距玉米苗1—2寸处刨坑施肥覆土,施完随后浇水。二、大喇叭口期追肥。每亩碳酸氢铵75公斤进行追施加之浇水。采取这种施肥方法,玉米穗大不虚尖,籽粒饱,产量高。
According to the high-yielding experience of Shandong corn expert Li Denghai, we grasped the high-yield corn side and adopted the formula fertilization. The gratifying harvest of 679 kilograms per mu was obtained. As high as more than 750 kilograms per parcel, the record of the first Hongxiang corn was recorded. Specific formula is as follows: First, Miao Fei. 15 kilograms per mu of diammonium, 20 kilograms of potassium oxide, 10 kilograms of urea, 1 kilogram of zinc sulfate, four fat mixed evenly, and then use a hoe scoop or a small pot head 1-2 inches from the corn seedling pit planing pit fertilization soil After the watering. Second, the big bell mouth dressing. 75 kg per acre ammonium bicarbonate chase plus watering. To take this method of fertilization, corn spike immaculate, full grain, high yield.