Traditional Chinese aesthetic performance within a text element in the design

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  【Abstract】:Different countries because of different cultural background, has formed the different design style. In China formed a tradition of "Chinese wind", and profound Chinese traditional elements.
  【Key words】: traditional text elements; Chinese wind; aesthetic
  Traditional art style of the Chinese nation, it is unique to the Chinese nation, it plays a vital role in the modern design. In our country, our country is to blow a Chinese wind, this kind of style the design community has with China and the world.
  1. The overview of traditional Chinese text elements
  The Chinese traditional moral text element has its own culture, convey the unique spiritual connotation, show the different visual aesthetic, sending out the strong Chinese flavor, embodies the unyielding spirit, showing rich and colorful forms.
  2. Traditional Chinese unique aesthetic text element in modern design
  Text is every nation, every country inherent convey elements, simple and clear, but the lack of visual aesthetic feeling, so this requests us in the case of does not affect the reading and identify, grant it is beautiful and the soul.
  Chinese characters embody the tolerance and the spirit of the Chinese people from the composition, its basic characteristic is harmonious, and the height of the emotional, this is also the development of traditional art forward momentum. Early Chinese characters because of its simple shape recognition, this is hieroglyphs, and some of the words used to now. As "mountain" is to draw the shape of a mountain, defined according to the characteristics of its shape, after the development to "move", represents the maturity of the Chinese characters, Now the design of the application of the pictograms are everywhere. Like Lin Shaobin laoshe tea "packaging design work, he adopted in the design of China's four great inventions of printing form, with China" characters "and pictograms form, traditional Chinese text element without reservation to show the charm of the world.
  Therefore, traditional Chinese character has a rich cultural background, to the modern design to provide a lot of application space. At the same time, traditional Chinese text make modern design play its own unique charm. In addition, the text is as a kind of "image" to show that its effect is not dead, it cannot be described in silence.
  All that said, the modern countries around the world have attached great importance to the national culture, in the design will be the national culture is blended in among them, reflects the national characteristic. We want to absorb its essence, not accepting everything, to inherit and carry forward the essence of China's outstanding traditional culture, will the two fusion, form their own style and features.
【摘要】:本文将历年来古希腊时期人体雕塑的研究进行综述。将古希腊时期的人体雕塑分为上古时期、古典时期和希腊化时期三个阶段。分别将人体雕塑从源起、艺术特色及发展和演变趋势、后续思想、艺术思潮中进行详细分析,总结出古希腊时期人体雕塑的艺术魅力,让学习者从中得到借鉴。并总结出历年来研究中的优与缺,同时探究出新方向,以便于日后进行深入研究,找到属于自己的研究领域。  【关键词】:古希腊人体雕塑;艺术源起;
【摘要】:本文以二胡曲《江河水》为例,通过简述乐曲的背景,让我们对此曲有深入的了解;运用文献研究法、经验总结法、学习总结法等方法分析该乐曲的独特的情感,论述了如何正确运用演奏技巧来表达作品的内在思想情感,把技巧的运用与情感的处理结合起来,并且详细论述了在练习此乐曲的时候左右手各种主要技巧及其出现的一些技术性障碍的解决办法。  【关键词】:二胡曲;《江河水》;演奏手法  一、《江河水》乐曲背景简介 
【摘要】:政治、经济、文化的发展奠定了一个国家的基础,艺术作为文化的一部分起到了重要的作用。那么,西安作为一个文化气韵浓厚的城市,画廊的发展也是显而易见的。而我主要是从画廊的发展史入手,当然也会涉及到其他领域。  【关键词】:画廊史;画廊分类;比较画廊  一:画廊的发展史  什么事情都有起因、经过、结果,当然画廊的发展也不例外。其实在早些我没有想过画廊的发展由来,但是当我来写的时候才想到去探索这一
【摘要】:当代社会,中国传统装饰元素在古典油画中的运用越来越广泛,本文分别以知名画家王沂东和陈逸飞的代表作为例,阐释了中国传统装饰元素在古典写实油画中的运用。  【关键词】:王沂东;陈逸飞;装饰元素  油画做为一种外来物种, 逐渐在中国艺术界中占据了举足轻重的地位, 几代画家不断的探索和创新, 不断促进着油画与中国传统文化的融合, 使其越来越广泛地为更多的人民所接受,成为密切关联中国社会现状、民族
【摘要】:随着社会的发展,现在现代生活节奏的节奏加快,缺乏一種“停止”的姿态。人的心理需求越来越难以把握。对人们来说最重要的是生活,设计的住宅空间正变得越来越需要创造一个舒适,轻松舒适的氛围。东西方文化的传播与传播使随意不羁、怀旧气氛浓厚,我们需要打破美国式的“高价气”。因此,美国风格设计的主题在当代别墅室内空间设计。 在这种情况下学习有用,标准的家具风格,成熟的特点,使其成为中国家居装饰; 放弃
庞薰琹是中国近代著名的画家、工艺美术家和美术教育家。1924年,龐薰琹毅然决然的放弃了在震旦大学的学业,远赴重洋到法国巴黎学习绘画。巴黎学习绘画的经历开启了庞薰琹终生探索现代主义艺术和民族艺术的历程。回到祖国之后,庞薰琹为了创造出具有民族特色的现代主义绘画,开始对中华民族传统的绘画精神进行探索。  一、初踏绘画之路——吸收西方的绘画艺术  在法国巴黎学习期间,庞薰琹先是经徐悲鸿的介绍到叙利恩绘画研