我的皮肤是属于典型的黄种人肌肤:皮肤细腻但肤色较暗,加上中国人不太合理的饮食结构,导致我平时脸颊干干的,T 字部位却油光锃亮。夏天还好一些,最痛苦的就是春、冬两季,鼻子出油不说,更可恶的是还起皮,为了改善肤色想薄薄施一层粉却因为起皮的缘故,粉在脸上涂抹不匀,尤其是鼻子部位的粉效果更差,为此事我没少发愁,想尽一切办法也要改变皮肤现状。一次逛商场,很偶然地路过“KOSE”(高丝)新产品推广展台,被展台上一瓶“药用雪肌精”化妆水所吸引,不由自主
My skin is a typical yellow skin: delicate skin, but dark complexion, coupled with the Chinese diet structure is not reasonable, resulting in my usual dry cheeks, T-site but shiny shiny. Summer is better, the most painful is the spring and winter two quarters, the nose out of oil not to mention, even more damn is also from the skin, in order to improve the skin color to thin a layer of powder but because of the skin from the reason, pink on the face Uneven coating, especially the nose part of the powder worse effect, I did not worry less about this matter, try everything possible to change the status quo of the skin. A visit to the mall, it is by chance, “KOSE ” (KOSE) new product promotion booth, was a bottle on the stand “medicinal Sekkisei ” lotion attracted, involuntarily