Have to admit, many advertising companies themselves are customers “lie” accomplices. If advertising agencies view overtime firefighting as a matter of course, customers can be justified in their own “lies.” Clients are not inherently “lie” families, volunteer “abuser” and volunteer “battered” are two essential elements of a game. Any advertising company has the obligation to guide customers not lying, do not want to guide or not able to guide, it was only for the mercy of the “lies” overwhelmed. Of course, not all customers are worth guiding, for the repeated use of the customer, our attitude is only one: “divorce”, and do not come to me! We can not predict in advance a customer’s quality and quality, we all customers Can do is sincere, sincere, and then sincere, guide, guide, and then guide, it is really unforgiving, cited no citable time, everyone a cup of tea to say good scattered. Here’s the attitude of an advertising company, take the boss when the old take the old, take their own younger brother, that only