我县属土家族聚居的湘西山区。全县321所小学,91%分散在农村。这几年,新兴起的寄宿制小学,为普及山区的民族小学教育立了大功。 1982年,我们提出,各乡中心小学要努力创造条件,使离校较远(10华里以上)的学生能在校寄
My county is a Tujia inhabited mountainous area in western Hunan. Among the 321 primary schools in the county, 91% are scattered in rural areas. In recent years, the emerging boarding primary schools have made great contributions to the popularization of ethnic primary education in mountain areas. In 1982, we proposed that all primary and secondary schools in the townships should strive to create conditions so that students who are farther away from the school (10 miles or more) can send their students to school.